Finland Election: Center Collapses as Far-Left and Far-Right Parties Ascendent

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 15, 2019

Some interesting election results from the frozen north.


The Social Democratic Party has won a narrow victory in Finland’s general election with 17.7% of the vote.

But the far-right Finns Party was close behind on 17.5%, while the Centre Party of outgoing PM Juha Sipila saw its support crash by a third to 13.8%.

“For the first time since 1999 we are the largest party in Finland,” said SDP leader Antti Rinne.

But with the vote split and no party winning by a clear margin, it may be hard to build a workable coalition.

The Greens and the Left Alliance also increased their share of the vote.

It is the first time in more than a century that no party has won more than 20% of the vote.

Voter turnout was 72%.

The Social Democrats have won 40 seats in the 200-seat parliament, one more than the Finns Party.

So little about Finland gets published in English that I have very little idea how communist the Social Democrats are or how fascist the Finns Party is. I would expect they are both more about rhetoric than action.

None the less, they were the furthest left and right on the ballot, and they won the biggest.

And this is the direction that all Western countries are going in: full polarization.

It’s all going to end up with Nazis fighting commies.

That’s how drastic things have gotten and how disenfranchised the average person is.