Daily Stormer
June 5, 2015

More and more EU leaders are becoming vocal in their opposition to the Merkel/Jew plot to completely genocide the people of Europe by flooding them with millions of African Negroes who breed like Gremlins, beg like gypsies and rape like… well, they rape like Africans.
Finland’s Foreign Minister Timo Soini met with his Estonian counterpart Keit Pentus-Rosimannus in Tallinn on Wednesday. Pentus-Rosimannus said she was pleased that her Finnish colleague had come to visit so soon after taking office. A day earlier, Soini made his first ministerial visit to Stockholm where he met with his Swedish opposite number, Margot Wallström.
In his first foreign press conference since taking office, Soini took the opportunity to harshly criticise the European Commission for its plan to resolve the problem of asylum seekers crossing the Mediterranean by distributing them in eastern European countries based on quotas. Under the plan, Estonia would have to accept more than 1,000 asylum seekers within a couple of years.
“When it comes to resolving the refugee question, we in Finland feel strongly that each European Union member state should be able to decide on the matter for itself. It cannot be right that some organisation decides things for countries,” said Soini, whose Finns Party has taken a tough line on immigration and the EU.
The two foreign ministers said that Estonia and Finland both oppose the Commission’s plan and will work together to shift the issue onto the right track. Soini said Finland is ready to contribute experts and equipment to efforts to battle human trafficking in northern Libya and on the Mediterranean.
“People fleeing war must naturally be helped as much as is feasible for a country, and as much as the country is able,” Pentus-Rosimannus said, adding that Estonia is “actively dealing with determining its capabilities for receiving refugees”.
So, I guess we’re still waiting for a politician to call Merkel and the UN out on the fact that these people are not fleeing a war in Libya because they are not from Libya. Even though the media has lately begun admitting that they are economic refugees.