Finland Gives Up on Universal Basic Income Scheme

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 25, 2018

This utopian stuff tends not to ever end well.

This is one of the reasons I support UBD (Universal Basic Deathmatch), where everyone in society is forced to fight to the death at least once per year.


The Finnish government has decided not to expand a limited trial in paying people a basic income, which has drawn much international interest.

Currently 2,000 unemployed Finns are receiving a flat monthly payment of €560 (£490; $685) as basic income.

“The eagerness of the government is evaporating. They rejected extra funding [for it],” said Olli Kangas, one of the experiment’s designers.

Some see basic income as a way to get unemployed people into temporary jobs.

The argument is that, if paid universally, basic income would provide a guaranteed safety net. That would help to address insecurities associated with the “gig” economy, where workers do not have staff contracts.

Supporters say basic income would boost mobility in the labour market as people would still have an income between jobs.

Finland’s two-year pilot scheme started in January 2017, making it the first European country to test an unconditional basic income. The 2,000 participants – all unemployed – were chosen randomly.

But it will not be extended after this year, as the government is now examining other schemes for reforming the Finnish social security system.

“I’m a little disappointed that the government decided not to expand it,” said Prof Kangas, a researcher at the Social Insurance Institution (Kela), a Finnish government agency.

Speaking to the BBC from Turku, he said the government had turned down Kela’s request for €40-70m extra to fund basic income for a group of employed Finns, instead of limiting the experiment to 2,000 unemployed people.

The whole basis of human society has gotten really gosh-darn confusing, tbh.

Capitalism does basically work. Producing and consuming goods gives people something to do with their time. They run around cities doing things.

But what a meaningless existence.

At least 95% of these consumer products have no actual value. They are either status symbols or just time-wastey crap. A lot of unhealthy food is involved in this also.

It actually becomes believable, at least in theory, that the entire system was created by an inter-dimensional demonoid race that feeds off of our life-force.

Because really.

What is this shit we are buying?

Fashion goods?

And those fashion goods do what?

Get us laid?

Is that 10-25 minutes of pleasure worth working through this system?

And I’ll tell you what – Fight Club was right about what this does to masculinity.

Seriously – wtf are we doing? 

I mean, I’ve lived out of a bag since I was 19.

So I’m really asking you what you’re doing.

What we’re doing as a society.

What we are doing as a species.

The capitalist wealth incentive did create innovation. I’m not really sure it does anymore, because more and more people are just like “yeah, this seems like it’s pretty much a total waste of time, I think I’m just going to do drugs, play video games, watch Netflix, jerk-off to porno and consume prolefeed.”

And the people making the decision to do that are disproportionately high IQ, at least when it comes to whites. The average white NEET, if we were to do a real study, probably has at least 5 IQ points on the average white wagecuck.

And they have time for the gym.

But to get out of this consumerism… how would that even be possible? How could you ever reform this system?

You would have to completely redefine what it means to be human.

As currently, what it means to be human is defined by consumerism.

You would need more than a social revolt against the modern world, you would need a massive catastrophe.

And that’s why I have decided, after having thought long and hard about it, that I am staunchly pro-WWIII.

Nuclear fire will cleanse us.

And we will become something new, something better.