Finland Releases Bizarre Video Instructing Women to Avoid Rape by Hitting Haji with Purse

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2016

I have long been critical of the way female self-defense classes are presented at the gyms which teach these methods.

While I do agree in principle that self-defense classes are a good thing for women, the actual reality is that even a woman who is relatively-highly trained can be easily overpowered by an average, untrained male. As such, making a woman feel like she has the ability to defend herself against a man could put her in danger, since the reality is that she probably doesn’t have that ability.

In light of the ongoing rape-crisis which has result from the mass importation of Moslems into Europe, Finland’s state news recently took this delusion of female self-defense to a frightening new height, releasing a PSA telling women they could fight off a rapist by holding up their hands, or – if that doesn’t work – hitting them with their purse.


This is totally insane. Besides the fact that these Arabs travel in packs, so they are unlikely to be in a one-on-one situation anyway, unless this man is in his 80s or 90s, or perhaps a cripple, chasing the woman in his wheelchair, he is not going to be stopped from raping her by being pushed or hit with a purse.

All that a video like this does, if taken seriously, is increase the confidence of a woman that she can fight off a rapist, which may lead her to be less careful in where she goes, as well as telling her not to do the one thing she might be able to get away with, which is to run and scream for help.


Pepper spray may or may not be useful, depending on the situation. The reality is, however, that even pepper-spray increases a woman’s confidence in a way that is not helpful to her. Probably, the Moslem will be quick enough to prevent her from spraying him, and even if he isn’t, if she is close enough to spray him, he is close enough to grab her, and once he has hold of her it doesn’t matter if his eyes are hurting. If anything, the hurt in his eyes is simply going to make him angry and more brutal in his attack.

The only real defense is a gun, and even that is questionable. There is a high chance the man would be able to grab the gun from her before she fires. Again, there is false confidence. Anyway, guns are illegal in Europe.

A real PSA should tell women that they need to avoid any area with Moslems, and that they need to avoid being out at night without a man with them. If they are stuck in situation where they have to go out alone at night, they should take a taxi.

I can’t find a confirmation, but I can guarantee this video was made by a woman. There is no man who could promote the idea that any woman is physically capable of defending herself against any man.


Europe is no longer safe. And this safety has disappeared rapidly. Women do need to be instructed as to how to deal with it, but they need to be given real information, not nonsensical gibberish which will simply put them in greater danger.

Of course, the simplest thing would be to simply get these sickening animals out of our countries, at which point they would go back to being the safest places in the world again, where women can fantasize about “rape culture” because a guy asks for their number, while at the same time they know they can walk anywhere, at all hours, being completely safe.

It is an interesting point that these women talked and talked about this alleged rape culture when it obviously didn’t exist and now that it does exist they are incapable of accepting that it exists, instead denying its existence.

I guess that isn’t so much an “interesting point” as it is a “weird observation.”
