Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 9, 2017
Donald Trump’s Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner is being held responsible by the internet for the weird strike on Syria.
#FireKushner as the top trending topic Friday night through Saturday morning.
Exactly zero people voted for Trump because they wanted his liberal daughter's globalist husband running shit. #FireKushner
— The Swog Blog (@TheSwogBlog) April 7, 2017
No More Wars for Israel. #FireKushner
— WillWindsor (@WillWindsorRise) April 9, 2017
Bannon & Trump vs Kushner.#FireKushner #keepBannon
— sabby v ?? (@1776AN) April 8, 2017
When President Putin decides to open up the Russian archives – game over. Who knows what else he's got.#FireKushner #Make_ISIS_Great_Again
— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) April 9, 2017
"Ask any Jew, even your son-in-law, America is never first, Israel is always first" – The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan#FireKushner
— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) April 9, 2017
No war. No cucks. #FireKushner
— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) April 7, 2017
Make @POTUS Great Again#FireKushner
— Lee Stranahan (@stranahan) April 8, 2017
We must #KeepBannon & #FireKushner, we voted for America First, not nation building in the Middle East. Period.
— Baked Alaska™ (@bakedalaska) April 7, 2017
If .@realDonaldTrump fires #Bannon that could doom his 2020 run
Bannon isn't the problem, Kushner is#FireKushner
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) April 9, 2017
We can't have a liberal snake pushing his agenda in White House. These are the reaseons to #FireKushner #KushnerAtWar
— Texas Lone Star (@SouthLoneStar) April 8, 2017
The fact alone that liberals are voicing support for Jared Kushner should tell you that something is very wrong. #FireKushner #KeepBannon
— St. Frexit (@StFrexit) April 8, 2017
Anyone who is supporting this unjustified and criminal attack on Syria – should never mention #AmericaFirst again.#FireKushner
— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) April 8, 2017
When Nationalism is kicked off the train in favor of Globalism, I'll be getting off too @POTUS @realDonaldTrump #FireKushner#KeepBannon
— MAGA (@DeplorableGoon) April 8, 2017
"The people who are saying #FireBannon hate Trump. The people who are saying #FireKushner love Trump." –@stranahan
— NotRicky Vaughn? (@RickyVaughnX1) April 8, 2017
via making a stand #WarIsARacket #StopArmingTerrorists Act #Syria #AntiWar #HandsOffSyria #PeaceOffensive #FireKushner #saturdaymorning
— chimera elf (@chimeraelf) April 8, 2017
After #FireKushner went viral, look for the media elites to pen more puff pieces backing these two.
— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) April 8, 2017
Hey @realDonaldTrump, if you don't #FireKushner, you’re fired.
— Fashy Haircut (@NathanDamigo) April 8, 2017
#FireKushner because ……..
— Lucid Hurricane™✘ (@Forever_Lucid) April 8, 2017
It's almost as if they have some kind of tribal loyalty that transcends political affiliation…#FireKushner
— orbiSonOfAGun (@ReturnOfTheOrb) April 8, 2017
At the very least here, if the Trump revolution fails, the people are going to know who did it.
(((Who did it))).
And then, like the Jews themselves, we will forever say: “Never Again.”