Daily Stormer
April 21, 2014

Michelle Obama, the gorilla mate of the Chief homosexualist Silverback, has a plan to hijack a Kansas high school graduation on the anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling on Brown v. The Board of Education, which demanded that White schools be flooded with savage Africans, and use it for her own Negro politics.
No doubt this will involve shaming of the White students, letting them know how evil it is that they are genetically superior to blacks.
The people are fighting back against this dehumanizing black invasion of their private space with a petition, but the first Negress is not likely to surrender easily.
From Fox:
Harbaugh said officials asked the president or first lady to speak at graduation as a tie-in with the anniversary of the Brown decision, which outlawed school segregation. The district plans to place a priority on seating students and their families, and could broadcast the event to an overflow room at a hotel adjacent to the graduation arena for those unable to find a seat inside.
That’s not good enough for Taylor Gifford, 18, who started an online petition Thursday evening to urge the district to reconsider its plans. She and the more than 1,200 people who had signed it expressed concern that Obama’s visit would limit the seating options for family and friends.
“I really would like it to have a peaceful solution, but there is so much misinformation going on,” Gifford said.
Gifford said her initial reaction to the news was excitement, saying she was “freaking out” about the prospect of the first lady speaking at graduation. When rumors of limited tickets surfaced, Gifford felt like the focus was being shifted from the students to Obama.
“People think it’s a great opportunity, but it’s the graduates’ time. They are getting that diploma that they worked so hard for,” Gifford said. “Families are feeling that they are being cheated out of the loved ones special day.”
Abbey Rubottom, 18, a Topeka High senior, described herself as a “die-hard Democrat” but doesn’t like the idea of Obama sharing the stage with graduates.
“No disrespect for the first lady, and it’s amazing that she wants to come speak, I just think it doesn’t belong at graduation,” Rubottom said.
Rubottom suggested separate ceremonies with Obama speaking at one and the address being replayed at the other.
Some people have said bringing in the first lady politicizes the graduation. Others have suggested that if she wants to mark the Brown anniversary, she could just visit the historic site that commemorates the decision, which is just few blocks from the graduation venue.
The school also complained that it didn’t have the funds to provide the gloating black crybaby with the seven truckloads of KFC and “over 9000” bananas she has demanded.