First Round of Obamacare – The Straight Repeal – Fails

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 26, 2017


That part didn’t work.

Fox News:

A conservative-backed plan to repeal the bulk of ObamaCare and give lawmakers a two-year window to replace the struggling health law failed on a Senate vote Wednesday, in the latest setback for the repeal push.

The vote was 55-45 against the amendment, with seven Republicans opposing. The chamber’s 46 Democrats and two independent senators all voted against the measure.

The so-called “straight repeal” amendment would have given senators two years to come up with a replacement. The measure failed on the heels of another sweeping ObamaCare overhaul amendment stalling overnight.

The votes highlight the difficulty Republican senators are having trying to hammer out an actual replacement plan, even after advancing a core bill to debate in a dramatic vote on Tuesday.

The straight repeal was essentially identical to the one in 2015 that the GOP-controlled Congress sent to then-President Barack Obama, who immediately vetoed the bill.

Senate Republicans drafted their first repeal measure several months ago. But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at first was unable to get enough support to even hold a vote.

I’ve got my fingers crossed here.

We might get this done.

I just really, really don’t want hear about it anymore.

At least now we’ve got tranny drama and the establishment of a theocracy to talk about.