Five Words to Define a Generation: Get. Out. Of. My. Country.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 31, 2015

After Jorge Ramos was deported from a Donald Trump press conference last week, footage was filmed in the hallway. Some man, I don’t know who, said five words which will define our generation, here in America and across Europe:

  1. Get
  2. Out
  3. Of
  4. My
  5. Country

Whatever becomes of Donald Trump, these five words will remain the Zeitgeist of the age.

These are our countries. Our ancestors built them, and they gave them to us. Our forefathers shed millions upon millions of gallons of blood so that we would have this land, and everything built on it.

These people have only one right to it: if they can take it by force.

But they can’t take it by force. They are weak and pathetic beings, in comparison with the Aryan Supermen that we are.

Instead they can only take it by mass emotional manipulation.

All that we have to do to get back our countries from these savage hordes is stand up and say “no.”

And we will.

This game is far from over.

We have only just started this fire.
