Flabby Loser David Cameron Needs to Apologize to Our Leader – Now

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 4, 2016


Absolutely disgusting.

The flabby, flappy loser Prime Minister of the UK needs to apologize to The Leader, and he needs to do it now.


British Prime Minister David Cameron should apologize to US presidential hopeful Donald Trump for branding him “divisive, stupid and wrong,” a foreign policy advisor to the Republican contender has said.

Last December, during a parliamentary debate on banning Trump from the UK, after the real estate tycoon called for a total ban on Muslims entering the US, Cameron said although he opposed banning Trump, “if he came to visit our country he’d unite us all against him.

George Papadopoulos, a London-based adviser to Trump on Europe and the Middle East, told the Times it would be “wise” for the Prime Minister to “reach out” to the Republican front-runner.

“If the Prime Minister is serious about reaching out, an apology or some sort of retraction should happen.”

Papadopoulos revealed Trump is considering a European tour, but has yet to receive an official invite from the British government.

“Of course if the United Kingdom extended an invitation it would be a tremendous show of unity and a wonderful spectacle,” he said.

“That invitation has not yet been extended – but if it, is it would be received in a positive way.”

The aide’s comments come after Trump’s last remaining Republican opponent, Ted Cruz, bowed out of the race on Tuesday following his crushing defeat in the Indiana primary.

I offer an open letter to the sloppy bitch Cameron:

Dear Dave,

Here’s the deal, faggot: you have insulted Our Leader and insulted our nation.

Soon, Trump will rule America with an iron fist from a golden throne, and be in full command of her armed forces. After we cleanse our own nation of the genetic filth which infests it, we will move on to Europe and cleanse the motherland of the haji plague and liberate the people.

We can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way – but it’ll get done.

The easy way involves diplomacy: we give you a deadline by which you must remove your own hajis, and you do it by whatever means you see fit.

The hard way is we invade you, and remove the kebab ourselves.

With extreme prejudice.

Currently, most Americans would prefer to do it the hard way. However, we want to leave you some room to do the right thing.

It would be an extremely useful gesture for you to immediately offer an apology to Donald Trump. What’s more, you need to acknowledge him as GOD EMPEROR of MANKIND, and beg forgiveness for having dared to question him.

If you refuse this offer, it’s going to be a whole lot more difficult to get the people of this country to accept not invading you.

Choose wisely, Dave.

Andrew Anglin