Flemish Priest: “Mohammad was a Thief, a Murderer and a Rapist”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 1, 2016


This… this is pure evil.

When will Whites learn that it doesn’t matter if a statement is objectively true or not. What matters is the emotions that brown people feel when you say it.


A Flemish priest in Kortemark made controversial remarks about the prophet Mohammed and Islam in a religious celebration in front of pupils in the sixth year of primary school. Although the parents say they are shocked, Germain Dochy (77) does not see the problem. “Don’t I have the right to tell the truth any more,” he asks.

While pupils from the municipal school “De Kreke”, aged between 11 and 12, were repeating for the last time for their confirmation of the Confirmation, the priest spoke his mind about Islam and its prophet Mohammed. “Mohammed was a thief, a murderer and a rapist. He had 45 wives, the youngest of whom was 9. And in reality, Islam isn’t a religion,” he said.

The parents, told about it by their children, and the school say they are shocked by these remarks. The teacher who overheard the words shared her indignation with the management of the institution.

Active for 52 years as a priest, Dochy does not withdraw anything of what he said. “I told the children that Mohammed wasn’t a prophet. For Islam maybe, but not for us,” he added in the “Krant van West-Vlaanderen”. “Mohammed led a life of debauchery and made several wars. … And then there is Islam, which acts like a religion but in reality is an anti-religion.” he went on.

The Bruges diocese is aware of the affair and has contacted the priest. “Dochy told us that he regretted his remarks and that he apologised if he had offended anyone,” said the spokesman.

Translation via Diversity Macht Frei.