Flips: Duterte’s Security Team Injured as Presidential Convoy Bombed by Moslems!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 29, 2016


Well, Mr. Duterte.

If you needed an excuse to crack down on the Moslems in your midst, here it is.

I’d say it’s high time to cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.


And to be clear here, by “dogs of war,” I mean “right-wing death squads.”


At least seven members of Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte’s security team were injured in a roadside bombing by suspected Muslim militants. The attack comes ahead of Duterte’s visit to an area of intense battles between Islamists and government troops.

An explosive device planted along the road detonated when the presidential convoy headed to Marawi, the capital of Lanao del Sur province on the island of Mindanao, the second-largest island of the Philippines.

The convoy reportedly included seven members of the Presidential Security Group, two soldiers and Duterte’s media team, according to media reports.

“The truck carrying the president’s advance security detail was hit by an improvised explosive device,” Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said, as cited by Reuters. “There was no firefight.”

“The convoy was ambushed using an IED while traversing from Iligan City to Marawi City,” Armed Forces spokesperson Brigadier General Restituto Padilla said.

The injured men were immediately airlifted to safety. Members of the president’s official media team were also in the convoy, but were unharmed.

Lorenzana said that he advised Duterte to cancel his visit to Marawi, scheduled for Wednesday, as the situation is “still not under control.”

The president chose to ignore the advice.

“The advice was to postpone. I said no, I will go there. And if possible, take the same route,” Duterte said, as cited by Reuters. “Maybe we can have a little gunfight here, gunfight there.”

Philstar newspaper cited Padilla as saying the attack might have been staged by Maute, an Islamist group which pledged allegiance to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

I’m not saying this was a Machiavellian move.

But I think this was a Machiavellian move.

Go get em, Rody.

Show the rest of the world how to deal with Islam.
