Florida Shooter Being a Member of a WN Group was a Troll [MAX LEL]

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 16, 2018

Okay so when the headlines came saying that Nikolas Cruz was a member of a READ SIEGE group in Florida called “Republic of Florida,” everyone was all blacky pilly.

I have recently been investigating the fed-posting Siege Cult, and have found that it is mostly just a satanic doomsday cult that is pretending to be political. So I was not at all shocked by the incident. I have expected and do still expect these SIEGE people to do mass casualty events.

But as it turns out, this Florida event was carried out neither by white nationalists or satanists. It was just what it looked like in the first place: some spic on SSRI drugs.

The claim that the spic was a member of a WN group was an elaborate (at least semi-elaborate – or perhaps “pseudo-elaborate”) troll performed by a Discord channel, who was doing it for teh lulz.

Basically, these guys got the idea to blame this group, and the guy who leads the group apparently went along with it. Jordan Jereb is his name. The series of events, as it appears, is this:

  • A Discord channel got the idea to blame ROF
  • They made a post on 4chan

  • The ADL called up Jereb and he said that Cruz was a member

  • The ADL told the media to do a massive media storm about these unsubstantiated claims, and as always, the media obeyed their masters
  • The feds started showing up at people’s houses
  • Jereb mad a post on Gab saying he was confused and said the wrong thing when the ADL called him up
  • The media was like “oh… well… maybe I guess we could have misspoken… perhaps…”

Here are all the screenshots of the discussion of the event. It goes without saying that I did not take these screenshots or upload them, and am in fact against whoever did, because this could have kept going for another day if someone wouldn’t have squealed. Or maybe not. The feds were showing up at people’s houses, so obviously at that point the jig is up.

No one should ever talk to the feds at all, let alone lie to them to support a troll.

Reasons This is Good

I have actually seen people saying this is not good. And I’m just like. lolwut.

Of course it is good. Humiliating the media is always good, and doing that while totally blowing the credibility of the ADL as a reliable source for information is quadruple good.

Basically, there was a 6 hour news barrage across the entire planet based on a 4chan post because the ADL will just believe any internet rumor they hear and order the media to spam it.

This demonstrates, fully, that Jewish ethnic activist groups such as the media and the ADL are so obsessed with blaming white identity movements for violence that they will act recklessly and in a totally deranged fashion.

This makes the whole idea of constantly blaming white people for everything look retarded, and it will lead to any future event where they try to do this being questioned. Because before this, they were able to get away with like, “oh this one thing he posted on Facebook – he’s a Nazi” – that shit isn’t going to fly anymore.

Beyond all of that: this shit is just fucking hilarious. This is your mainstream media, which claims that it is above reproach, not even attempting to confirm a story before they spam the entire planet with it. This was like a Sam Hyde shooter meme times six million.

Look at this shit.

Absolutely beautiful.

And just to be clear: there is nothing illegal about this. You are 100% allowed to post fake shit on 4chan, you are allowed to lie to the ADL, you are allowed to lie to the media. And that is the only reason you should ever talk to these people anyway. If you’re not playing them, they’re playing you. Remember that.

This Jereb Guy

Jordan Jereb is getting a lot of shit in the tubes over this. I read his Gab and he is definitely a standard fed-posting Siegefaggot (unless that is a troll), which is something I am totally opposed to (we need to talk about that further – soon). But in this situation, if all he did was lie to the ADL to create this massive media debacle, then what exactly are people giving him shit about?

I’m not defending the guy, I’m just defending the troll. But it may well be that people just didn’t know who he was (I didn’t) and they’re looking at his shit and being like “wow bro fed-post much?”

And that’s fine.

I’m fed up with fed-posting myself. It has really gotten way the fuck out of control since Charlottesville when we’ve been flooded with feds who are making shit-tier autists think they’re allowed to like, plan terrorist attacks on Discord.


Separate issue.

You are allowed to plan media hoaxes on Discord.

Jebeb is an asshole, for sure. But the troll itself. It were glorious.

Seriously though, stay away from this guy. Master troll or not, his entire Gab timeline is spammed with fed shit. Stay away from that shit if you don’t want to end up in prison for decades.