Florida Shooter Nikolas Cruz Registered to Vote from Jail

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 12, 2018

This is a great time.

NBC News:

Sheriff’s officials say there’s nothing they can do after outrage greeted the disclosure that Nikolas Cruz, who confessed to killing 17 people at a Florida high school, was allowed to register to vote from his jail cell over the summer.

Cruz, 20, who is charged with 17 counts of murder and 17 counts of attempted murder in the assault on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland on Valentine’s Day, registered as a Republican on July 25, listing the address of the Broward County Jail as his residence, according to state voter registration records.

Cruz’s registration came to light on Saturday, when Andrew Pollack, the father of Meadow Pollack, one of the 14 pupils who were killed on Feb. 14, tweeted his anger.

Florida law allows criminal defendants to vote as long as they haven’t been convicted. While Cruz has confessed to the killings, he is still awaiting trial.

No doubt he registered to vote for Sheriff Israel, who allowed him to shoot up the entire school after ordering his men to stand down.

Broward County is for sure a weird place.