Following CEO’s Arrest in France, Telegram Censor Speech, Hand Over Data

When they come and arrest you because you’re not censoring enough, what are you supposed to do?

The only thing you can do is censor more.

Free speech is completely impossible in a democracy, because the government won’t allow private actors to provide the public with free speech platforms.

The Guardian:

Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov said Monday that the messaging platform had removed more “problematic content” and would take a more proactive approach to complying with government requests. The announcement comes weeks after his arrest in France on charges of failing to act against criminals using the app.

Telegram’s search feature “has been abused by people who violated our terms of service to sell illegal goods”, Durov told the 13 million subscribers of his personal messaging channel.

“Over the past few weeks” staff had combed through Telegram using artificial intelligence to ensure “all the problematic content we identified in Search is no longer accessible”, he said.

Durov added that the platform had updated its terms of service and privacy policy to make clear that it would share infringers’ details with authorities – including internet IP addresses and phone numbers – “in response to valid legal requests”.

This was obviously organized by “Big Daddy Anus” AKA “Uncle Slam Your Anus” AKA “Jewmerica.”

There’s no way the French could do this without US fedgov permission. The French aren’t allowed to piss in the gym shower without America’s permission.

The US wanted Telegram censored, but they do this ultra-gay thing where they pretend they don’t arrest people for speech, so they just asked one of their bitch-boy countries to do it for them.

Democracy is a travesty of justice.

People deserve to have freedom, and it is clearly impossible to have freedom while living in democracy.

Democracy is the worst form of oppression in history, largely because they do all these stupid tricks to pretend like they’re not oppressing people, and they’ve made the public so fat and retarded that they believe the tricks.