Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2015

Following the release of the Casey Report, which shows that the local Rotherham council purposefully allowed children to be drugged, gang-raped and trafficked for prostitution by vibrant Pakis, the people have decided to protest the one public figure vocally opposed to gang-rape by Pakis.
Nigel Farage was forced to cancel a speech in Rotherham after the local UKIP office where he was preparing was surrounded by vicious and hateful pro-rape protesters.

Protesters accused UKIP of using the mass child-rape scandal to “gain political points.” In actual fact, an anti-immigrant party is going to “gain political points” by default whenever an immigrant commits a crime, because it is clear that if we had gone with an anti-immigration platform, the crime wouldn’t have been committed. In this case, though some fringe protesters do support White children getting gang-raped, the vast majority of the public is opposed to it, and forced to recognize that if these foreigners had not been allowed in the country in the first place, the rapes wouldn’t have happened.
That is an important general rule to remember: all crimes committed by immigrants are preventable, because if they hadn’t been allowed in the country, they wouldn’t have committed the crime. Therefore everyone who supported the import of Pakis has the blood of these little raped girls on their hands, as they are responsible for enabling these crimes to take place.
So saying “no racism” is, without question, a chant in support of children as young as eleven being drugged, gang-raped and trafficked for prostitution.

To my knowledge, no one has thus far protested the council which purposefully allowed these rapes to happen, no one has demanded that these council members be prosecuted for deliberately – I cannot stress enough the purposeful nature of this – allow children to be drugged and gang-raped by colorful enrichers.
It is hard, when you see things like this, to not say to the people “you deserve this.” But we must remember, it is the duty of the intellectual to lead these herds of confused victims of Jewish mind-war, and the intellectuals have for decades refused to do so, instead letting them be led by unhinged madmen and hook-nosed Hebrews.

Yes, these people are protesting in favor of children getting raped. That is a hard thing to grasp, on a personal level, that there are hundreds of people so unhinged. But people will do as they believe the herd is doing, it is basic human nature. These people are not sitting down and actively deciding that they believe it is a great thing that little girls are getting gang-raped. They are simply accepting the narrative given to them by the establishment that the real danger to society is people who are against foreign child gang-rapists.
It is simply normal for these people to be unable to question what they are told. That is why they are the masses.