Following Sunday’s Mass Bombing, Israeli Officials Demand Bibi Continue Bombing Lebanon

Previously: Israel has Begun the Mass Bombing of Lebanon

Most people saw the bombing of Lebanon on Sunday and thought it was the beginning of a serious campaign by the brutal and yet vastly morally superior chosen ones that run Israel.

The Jews of Israel all thought Bibi was going all-in, but here we are two days later, and the bombing has not continued.

It’s unclear what the short term game is.

The Guardian:

Benjamin Netanyahu is facing a political backlash in Israel for the limited nature of Sunday’s airstrikes against Hezbollah, amid calls for a broader offensive in Lebanon.

Some of the fiercest criticism came from the far-right wing of the prime minister’s own fractious coalition, which is also increasingly divided over the status of Jerusalem’s holiest site.

The prime minister was widely blamed on Monday, from both the centre and right of the political spectrum, for the limited goal of Sunday’s air raids, which disrupted Hezbollah’s planned aerial assault, but had done nothing, the critics said, to allow up to 80,000 residents of northern border towns, displaced from northern Israel since October, to return home.

Benny Gantz, a retired general, former minister in Netanyahu’s coalition and one of his main rivals, described the airstrikes as “too little, too late”.

It’s funny, because Gantz is the one who the Democrat Party in the US is saying should replace Bibi.

Genocidal mass murderer and politician Benny Gantz, who is considered by some, for some reason, to be a potential alternative to Netanyahu, attacks the government for being too soft on the northern front and calls “to take apart Lebanon”.

— B.M. (@ireallyhateyou) July 28, 2024

It does not seem like he would care more about deescalation. Especially when he is publicly demanding Bibi escalate more.

In a video statement during a visit to northern communities, he said: “We must keep up the advantage of the initiative that was taken and increase the political and military pressure to push Hezbollah away, to return northern residents to their homes safely.”

Netanyahu’s far-right national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, joined in the criticism.

“Israel must not be content with a single, pre-emptive sortie. We must bring a decisive war against Hezbollah that will remove the threat in the north and allow the residents to return home safely,” Ben-Gvir said.

Yes, well. Ben-Gvir has been openly calling for war this whole time.

What I hear, from people who might know, is that the IDF is very tired from Gaza and does not want a new war. This is certainly what many from the military are saying publicly. A few days ago, an Israeli general got a lot of attention for coming out and claiming in an op-ed that Israel was on the brink of collapse.

Though that particular general has not served in the IDF since 2019, many people think this represents the current thinking of a lot of the high-up officers.

Everyone lies about casualties during war, but most observers agree that Israel has lost a lot more soldiers in Gaza than it planned to.

So then, what is the point of half-assed measures in Lebanon?

Well, apparently, Bibi is trying really hard to get Iran to attack Israel so that the US will get more heavily involved in the region. There isn’t really another explanation. The complainers are right: a one-off bombing does not solve the Lebanon problem. Northern Israel remains evacuated.

Nearly 8 kilometers into Israel is a new “de facto border” that has been established due to Hezbollah attacks. And Hezbollah has the ability to hit a lot deeper into Israel if they want to.

The only solutions are to either stop the killing in Gaza and try to get Lebanon to deescalate, or to completely wipe out Hezbollah. Given the abysmal state of the war in Gaza, wiping out Hezbollah seems like a ridiculous goal for Israel to have. But they’re not going to stop in Gaza. So they do not have any other choice but full war with Hezbollah.

That is what Gantz and the “far-right” are saying, and it is very obviously true.

There is no further Israel can go and they can’t go back (or they refuse to), so the only option now is to figure out how to get the US military directly involved.