Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
November 6, 2013

I’ve been thinking about how a man becomes righteous and just, and it has occurred to me that you can’t learn how to be honorable, or how to make the right decisions from instruction from other people. The only way to learn how to be fruitful is to be tested in reality and to either make the right or the wrong decision and see the results. I think this is the reason why we have evil people in the world. They are there to increase the good deeds when the good people resist them. Certain people seem to have it in their nature to encourage others to bad behavior, and by the action of resisting that temptation and thwarting the wicked outcome, the general good is increased, and the individual character improved.
Most people think they are good, but how can that goodness be brought out into the world without evil to overcome? Its all very well giving advice on how people should behave honorably, but unless they are put in positions where they are being encouraged to behave dishonorably, it carries no weight. Every Aryan knows intuitively what the noble action to take is, and the more the right action is taken, the closer people come to God and the easier it becomes to know the right path.
You could read all the holy books in the world, but unless you have been put in situations of temptation you will have no experience, knowledge or stamina to resist it. The more you resist it the stronger your spirit becomes.
The world we inhabit is ruled by the laws of karma. The more good karma we produce through right action, the better life becomes for everyone. In order to make the right action have value, the wrong action has to be made to seem of value too. I think the world started out pure and perfect and has since then decayed, becoming increasingly corrupted as the volume of bad deeds outweighs the good. It’s like a snowball of evil continually getting bigger and bigger and harder to resist. If people had listened to their conscience and resisted temptation, the snowball would have been of good fortune, increasing to levels of positive value that we are probably incapable of even imagining, far as we are down the road to Hell.
There is now so much wickedness in the world that it is impossible for anyone to outbalance their bad deeds with their good. Even our everyday language is full of curses and blasphemies (not just the obvious ones), hence the need for grace and the sacrifice of Christ as God in the flesh, in our most recent religion.

Another Age
The Mahabharata deals with the last days of the previous era before we fell into our current age of darkness. One part describes how a particularly pious and good man tells the first lie of his life to help win a battle. He was heavily provoked, and honor was at stake, but the minute he tells the lie, his chariot wheels touch the ground, and you learn that up until that moment he used to float a few inches above the earth.
Near the end of the poem, the protagonist is given a vision where the main instigator of the war that caused the extinction of two races is pictured on a throne in heaven, being showered with flowers by the gods. If the ‘good’ guys in the poem had only continued to act honorably in the last few days of the war, their collective honorable actions could have averted the coming of the dark age of death and decay. Instead, they commit the first bad deeds ever in their lives in order to win a battle that they were fighting to avenge dishonor. If they had not been put in that position, there would not have been a chance to avert the Kali Yuga by putting the common good ahead of personal dishonor. This explains why the gods were honoring the bad guy. He was providing a situation where immense self-sacrifice for the common good was possible. Because of the dishonorable behavior employed to win the battle, the whole of mankind lost the war.
Even though they had led perfect lives, the victors end up falling into drunkenness and further dishonor through just that one sin.
Fast forward from then until now, and we have game shows that reward the best liar and competitions for children to see who can extract the most wealth from their neighbors. Just one small bad action can be the cause of seemingly endless suffering, as that action is amplified and replicated throughout the world. This is why we have such a corrupted and damaged world. It does work the other way though: good actions get amplified and multiplied too. The only way to truly know what is the right action is to have experience, and the only way to get that experience is to come up against compelling encouragement to take the wrong action.
Of Wicked Men and Us
Some wicked people don’t appear to get punished by life. This is because they are playing a wicked role, and they have no choice in what they are doing. They have been given wicked natures precisely so that our good natures might rise up and confront them. Seeing them getting away with what they do is intended to encourage us to behave the same, so that when we resist it, our resistance has value. In this way, the best teachers of righteousness are the most wicked people, as they provide a chance for us to realize our true natures in opposition to them. Evil exists so that we might show we can be good.
I always thought I knew what the phrase ‘know thyself’ meant, but it was really only once I knew exactly what I was against that I could really say that I knew myself. Know what you are against, and you will know what you are for. Each of the abominable things that we oppose today started as a small seed with various stages of growth along the way. Each stage was wrong, and should have been opposed, no matter how harmless these earlier stages first appeared to be. Whatever we bring into the world will grow and evolve, and if there is just the tiniest bit of yeast in the dough then it will eventually rise.
Every action we take and every word we speak carries power out into the world, power that can be either for good or for evil. The more everyone else is doing something wrong, the more power doing something right will have, on both the personal and the collective level. Don’t be afraid to speak up for what is right, you would be surprised at the snowballing effect it may have. It could also mean doing nothing, or it could mean fighting a battle you know you could lose, just because it is the right thing to do.
Our war is a spiritual war, and it is a war eternal. Compared to eternity, this life is just the blink of an eyelid. Whatever we withstand or conquer in this life could well be what we are judged on before entering that eternity. It’s not about what the immediate results of the action will be, it is whether or not that action is a righteous and just one.
Be always righteous and just, brothers, so that righteousness and justice may be multiplied in the world of men.