Forbes Says Weev and the Daily Stormer Broke the Law with Printer Trolling

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 7, 2016


Yo, say what? Yall muffuguhs know ain’t no Nazi gots no benjamins.

Forbes Magazine is claiming that weev and myself are about to get sued by Jewish-run universities for weev’s glorious printer trolling endeavor.

Obviously, no crime has been committed and no one can actually be sued, as Goolge admits:

forbes weev - Google Search


But, anyway, they’re saying an advertisement fax law was violated. Even though these weren’t fax machines and it wasn’t an advertisement.

Alleged goyess reporter Abigail Tracy writes:

Praise from neo-Nazi white supremacist website, the Daily Stormer, keeps rolling in for notorious black hat hacker Weev’s most recent shenanigans—which could be a problem for both parties.

All praise goes to kek, dear lassie.

There is no kek but kek and weev is his prophet.

Following the wave of fliers, the question of whether or not Weev broke any laws was of course raised—and for a good reason. The thing is that Weev didn’t actually “hack” anything but rather exposed a vulnerability and precedent shows that his message—no matter how distasteful—is protected by The First Amendment.

But he did arguably break the law—just not one you might expect.

According to Andrea Matwyshyn, a professor of law and computer science at Northeastern University and a faculty affiliate of the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School, Weev may have violated the Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2005 with what he referred to as “mass printer trolling.” Under the law he and the Daily Stormer could face fines of up to $500 per flier.

The law prohibits parties from sending unsolicited advertisements to a fax machine without an established business relationship with the recipient and the recipient must have provided their fax number to the sender voluntarily (Matwyshyn added that “fax machine” has a broad definition that includes computers and printers). Weev’s flier deluge didn’t satisfy either of these exceptions. Meaning, the fliers could be classified as unsolicited advertisements. If this is the case, both Weev and the Daily Stormer could be liable under the Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2005 and potentially other state level statutes.

The Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2005.

That’s how they getcha.

Seriously though, this is nonsense.


a) These were not commercial advertisement, they were political messages

b) weev is not my employee, he’s just a guy I know

c) as the owner of the The Daily Stormer, I was not aware of these flyers until after they started rolling off the printers; I did not consult with weev, or order him to do this.

“While standing on the street corner screaming your message is generally protected speech, you are not protected at the point at which you usurp my poster board and my markers to create a poster board that announces your speech,” explained Matwyshyn, in an interview with FORBES.

Wait, what? Other analogy please, I don’t understand that.

And the law states that you can’t sue a man based on analogies he doesn’t comprehend.

The law is rooted in the idea that if a company sends unwanted faxes, they are technically stealing paper and ink from the recipient. In other words, Weev potentially committed petty theft—and a lot of it.

“The point is that the owner is being deprived of the use of this item and even though it is a small dollar amount, the conduct of depriving someone of the use of it is problematic,” added Matwyshyn.

What is problematic is the JEWS.

We are trying to stop them, thus we are solution-agents. The flyers were solution-based in nature.

While Weev’s message might not be relevant, the fact that he featured the Daily Stormer’s website on the page is. The Daily Stormer is clearly very pleased with Weev’s shenanigans. As recently as Sunday, the Daily Stormer applauded the hacker’s actions on the website. The site went as far as calling it “the greatest troll in history.” In his description of the high jinks, Weev even credited “one of the Daily Stormer crew” with the message on the fliers. With this in mind, it would be hard to argue that the Daily Stormer didn’t endorse the conduct in question—further supporting the unsolicited advertisement argument, according to Matwyshyn.


“The moral of the story is that even trolls need to consult with their attorneys before they engage in spamming,” concluded Matwyshyn.

Who the hell is this Matwyshyn person anyway?

Northeastern University School of Law - 2015 Law Journal Present

Andrea Matwyshyn

Roflmao okay.

Anyway, they probably won’t try to pull this, as it is really, really flimsy.

However if they do, guess what that means?

It’s a bloody Crusade!

Even more mass media cover of “hackers promoting the White supremacist website The Daily Stormer”!

You can’t loose with massive media coverage!

You win literally every time!

Praise be to kek!