Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 29, 2015
In an interview with Scott Feinberg of Entertainment Weekly, Black actor Samuel L. Jackson explained that he felt bad for Moslems and wished Whites had done San Bernardino.
Jackson says he empathizes with innocent Muslim-Americans who have fallen under the veil of suspicion because a few other people who share their religion have committed atrocities against their countrymen: “When that thing happened in France, we were sitting there going, ‘Oh, my God, these terrorists!’ And I can’t even tell you how much that day the thing that happened in San Bernardino — I was in Hawaii — how much I really wanted that to just be another, you know, crazy white dude, and not really some Muslims, because it’s like: ‘Oh, shit. It’s here. And it’s here in another kind of way.’ Now, okay, it happened on an Army base and it happened somewhere else. But now? It’s like they have a legitimate reason now to look at your Muslim neighbor, friend, whatever in another way. And they become the new young black men.”
The Jewish interviewer pushes the idea that Jackson is a moral compass for America, with a lot to contribute to the discussion of how to best serve Blacks.
The Black moral compass, who engaged in a forced interracial gay blow job in the recently released Quintin Tarantino film The Hateful Eight, explained that Donald Trump is driven by hate and that he will be voting for Hillary.
Is it any wonder so many people opposed giving Blacks the right to vote?
Jackson also spoke out against the cops, saying there needs to be a new government agency to police the police. Maybe he should be made the head of it? He can force racist White cops to give him blow jobs. That’ll get these racists back in line right quick.