Gallia Watch
January 27, 2015
Prime Minister Manuel Valls has announced his solution to the problem of ghettos: spread the immigrants around in the rural areas!
A typical left-wing, socialist, republican, diabolical, “final solution” to the problem of those pesky Frenchmen who still live in safer areas of the country.
This is similar to our ingenious idea of “busing” pupils from bad areas into good schools in order to destroy the good schools, turn them into bad schools, and thus achieve the dream of equality!!!
It was a nightmare here. It will be a nightmare in France, adding to the already nightmarish scenario that is looming on the horizon. Le Point reports via François Desouche:
Manuel Valls declared on Thursday that the fight against “ghettoization” in the poor neighborhoods would be achieved through a “population policy” (“politique de peuplement”). “A population policy, not just a housing policy. A population policy to fight against ghettoization and segregation,” declared the prime minister. He made his statement at Matignon (residence of the prime minister) when he introduced the latest measures announced by the ministry of Education regarding the “great mobilization” that has been set into motion following the wave of jihadist attacks in France.
“How can we make our public policies more visible, more concrete, to benefit the greatest number?” in the working class (i.e., immigrant) neighborhoods, he began. “That implies a frank dialogue and the word of honor from those who implement these policies as well as from the beneficiaries. To this end, in early March, I will reduce the size of the inter-ministerial committee devoted to the fight against inequality, in order that it may focus on the fight for equality in these neighborhoods. And based on their reflections and proposals, we will make the necessary decisions…”
From Le Point:
The public policies of the past thirty years were not able to avoid “relegation, ethnic and religious regrouping, nor did they permit a mixture of populations,” the Prime Minister Valls pointed out. “As a republican, I cannot tolerate this separation, this relegation in a certain number of these neighborhoods (…) or that in some schools there are only poor immigrant children, often with one parent, from the same culture and the same religion,” he continued. (…)
Many see in this another reference to ethnic groups, as on Tuesday when at a press conference, he aroused a controversy by saying that “a social, territorial and ethnic apartheid has been imposed on France.”
Note: He therefore confirmed what everybody with eyes can see – that there are areas and neighborhoods in France peopled only by immigrants. This is close to what Fox News said when Nolen Petersen pointed out “no-go areas”, areas where there are only North Africans, areas where the police cannot venture. For his reporting, he was furiously condemned by the French press, while the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo claims she will sue Fox in order to redeem the “honor of Paris”.
(Note that Fox was condemned not for saying such areas existed but for implying that immigration was the cause of crime. For as we know, France’s immigration policy cannot be questioned. Come hell or high water the French State will make immigration work if it has to kill every Frenchman in the process.)
The hot issue here is not whether there are such neighborhoods, but whether they should remain segregated. To desegregate, Valls proposes moving people from these hellish areas into the still-peaceful rural zones (to even things out of course! and to punish the French people even more.)
According to political scientist Jérôme Fourquet, he no doubt wants “to hammer home, to hammer in the nail, that today a certain number of territories of the Republic are in the majority populated with immigrants and therefore we must at all cost recreate ethnic mixtures everywhere, otherwise these apartheid territories will continue to develop, to deviate, and potentially to generate hotbeds of violence and separatism.”
The article at Le Point closes with the revelation that Valls is legitimizing a practice that has been going on secretly for a long time – that of attributing housing on the basis of ethnicity. Theoretically this is illegal, but Valls is hoping to make it legal. Obviously, the beneficiaries of ethnic-based housing are the immigrants. The losers are those who will have to live with them.