Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 20, 2015

So, the latest group of people to get indoctrinated with the true and completely obvious facts of the secret conspiracy of “White privilege” and “unconscious White bias” are the Forest Rangers.
Some of the most racist people I’ve ever met have been Forest Service people.
Before we get to the news item in question, allow me to recount an encounter I personally had with a Forest Ranger at Yosemite National Park.
On a camping trip with my family, I flicked a cigarette down in a place where I thought it was okay, and a ranger approached me, saying “hey kid, what the hell is wrong with you? You trying to start a fire? Didn’t you watch Smokey the Bear as a kid?”
“Yeah, sorry sir. I wasn’t thinking.” I replied
“It’s okay, kid. I didn’t think much of Smokey either. Reminded me too much of a nigger. And if there’s one thing I hate, it’s niggers. I’d like to see them all taken out behind the barn and – BAM-BAM-BAM!” He said, making a machine-gun shooting gesture with his arms and hands.
“Yeah, I don’t know man, Smokey seems okay to me.” I said.
He chuckled condescendingly, “Yeah right. I suppose your a kike-lover too? If there’s one thing I hate more than a monkey-faced nigger, it’s a rat-faced kike. Like to see them all gassed and made into lampshades. But a race traitor… he’s the worst of all.”
Just then, a second ranger approached. He extended his arm into the air and shouted “Sieg Heil.” The first ranger returned the gesture, adding “Heil Hitler!”
The second ranger then looked at me menacingly, as the first one said “caught the kid smoking, discovered he’s a kike-lover. Whaddaya think we should do with him, Heinrich?”
“Only one thing we can do, John – gas the little race traitor.” Heinrich then pulled out his 9mm from his belt and held it to my head, asking me “you ready to get gassed, kid? Or would you rather I just blow your brains out right here?”
I just stood there, frozen, incapable of mustering up a response, shocked at this first hand experience with the massive neo-Nazi conspiracy which exists inside of the United States Forest Service. Finally, I began, “sir, let me join you, I swear allegiance to the White race, and if you let me live, I will start a website called the Daily Stormer and use it to promote the cause of the White race.”
Slowly, he lowered the gun. “Yeah,” he said. “We need to get in those internets, spread the Ranger message to the young kids. I’m gonna let you walk away with this mission, kid, but if you don’t do exactly as you just said you are going to do, I swear on the graves of each and every man and woman who perished in the Dresden bombing that I will hunt you down and make you wish you’d have taken this bullet in the head.”
“Yes sir. I will not fail you. Heil Hitler and Heil the US Forest Service.”
“Hail Victory!” the two Forest Rangers said in unison. And I walked off, that night registering the domain for the very site you are reading.

So, having had this personal experience with Forest Rangers, I am totally in agreement with this brainwashing program.
A top U.S. Forest Service executive told his employees to probe their own “unconscious bias” on everything from race and sexuality to the disabled and fat people, asking them to use an unproven assessment tool to explore their feelings.
The online test, which Forest Management Director Bryan Rice urged other agency directors to use as well, specifically warns of problems when it is taken “outside of the safeguards of a research institution.” Users also are told to be careful about how far to go in interpreting the results.
Mr. Rice, in a March 11 email to his employees, also instructed them to read a New York Times piece titled “Straight talk for white men,” which argues that white men benefit from unconscious bias. He also shared a study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that shows managers are more likely to hire those with a “very white sounding name” over those with a “very African American sounding name.”
In an email to The Washington Times, Mr. Rice said he believed the tests would help build a better workplace for his team.
“The intent of using the unconscious bias material is to assist with efforts to foster a work environment where everyone is respected and valued,” he said. “The unconscious bias material can help us explore diversity and inclusion in the workplace. It was included in a discussion of diversity as part of a continuous series of collaborative discussions on a variety of topics we have on my staff that cover key Forest Service policies and values as a means of fostering continued awareness.”
Mr. Rice did not respond to questions about which tests he took, nor what biases were exposed by those assessments.
The executive instructed his employees to take two tests each, saying the “results are for you to use and think about in your own situations.” He said they would talk about the issue at a meeting scheduled for next week.
One senior congressional aide said the Forest Service should have bigger things to worry about.
“At some point this year, thousands of Americans will have to flee their homes because of catastrophic wildfires caused by poorly managed Forest Service lands,” the aide said. “And when some of those people return to smoldering piles that were once their homes, they will be comforted that under this administration, the Forest Service has been vigilant in testing against unconscious biases.”
Mr. Rice became director of the Forest Management branch of the service last year. According to a service newsletter, he is a Cherokee who started his government career as part of a hotshot crew fighting forest fires in Montana, served as a forester in the Peace Corps and worked at the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
The bias assessments Mr. Rice asked employees to take are hosted at and include tests of whether someone leans toward President Obama or other presidents, whether someone prefers light-skinned to dark-skinned people, and whether someone has “an automatic preference for straight relative to gay people.”
I will sleep sounder tonight knowing that these racist forest people are having their views changed by an indoctrination program.