Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 25, 2014

I am doing all I can to keep the site up and running.
It seems that because I have called out this group as attacking free speech, they are all the more earnest to silence me so they can continue to claim they support free speech while engaging in the sole act of silencing anyone who disagrees with the government and Jewish media.
They are bragging about this assault on our rights to express our opinions on their Twitter page.

While attacking us, this person is also posting images about how they are pro-free speech, but simply believe they have a right to silence anyone who disagrees with them.
Here is one such bizarre image:

It would be difficult to come up with anything more Jewy than that. “We fight for the freedom of speech” this is why we are shutting down your website to prevent you from disagreeing.
It reminds me of when the feds were firebombing Waco while blasting through the loudspeaker “this is not an assault.”
And why are we being targeted because of the KKK? I have no associations with this group. We are being targeted solely for our political opinions, because Anonymous – whatever it might once have been – is a Jewish organization which exists to silence free speech on the internet.
And look at it – they are clearly pretending to be illiterate.
Anyway. Bear with us. I am doing my best here, I can’t do any more. Without someone who knows something about this stuff to help me, I can only just keep trying. They won’t stop us, and the fact that they are attempting to indicates we’ve already won. Silencing criticism is a last ditch effort of the completely doomed.
This is us getting ready to break through to the mainstream. The old, worn-out, faggoty former counter-culture is attacking us at it attempts to keep relevant. But in doing so, they are blowing their own principles, showing all that they are nothing but a fake front for Jewry.

We are something different. We are for real.
Hail Victory.