Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 14, 2014

A former British MP, a Ms. Louise Mensch, attacked Greece in a Tweet for their racism, which was reported in a recent ADL study.
She wrote: “Fuck you, Greece. Nasty things happening to nasty people. 69% of country are racists.”
Apparently, she is implying that Greece’s present situation of austerity, unemployment, mass immigration, crime, drug addiction, homelessness and so on are a result of the universe, God or some other supernatural force punishing them for not liking Jews.
What an interesting perspective this is, huh?
When various Twitter posters responded by saying that the data could be misconstrued, she lashed out aggressively, calling one person a “massive idiot” and another a “lazy cow.”
Mensch was an MP until 2012, when she quit to pursue a career in writing. She had a very bad facelift, which has caused her to look like the Riddler from Batman.
She is apparently not Jewish, but is married to the fat New York Jew Peter Mensch, who is a music manager.