Former Israeli Prime Minister Jailed for Bribing His Fellow Jews

The Guardian
May 14, 2014

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Israel’s former prime minister Ehud Olmert has been jailed for six years on charges of bribery by a court in Tel Aviv, becoming the most senior Israeli politician to receive a criminal conviction.

Olmert, 68, and a number of codefendants were jailed after being found guilty of receiving millions of dollars from the Holyland Development Company – the developers behind the Holyland luxury real estate project in Jerusalem.

The charges – which Olmert has always denied – relate to 2006, when he was mayor of Jerusalem.

Olmert’s lawyers are likely to appeal against Tuesday’s sentence and are expected to ask the Tel Aviv court that he remain on bail until then.

In a statement issued before the sentencing, the former prime minister appeared to anticipate a bad result. “This is a sad day, on which a severe and unjust verdict is to be handed down to an innocent man,” he said.

Two years ago, Olmert was acquitted of separate corruption charges relating to his dealings with a US businessman, which had forced his resignation as prime minister in 2008.

Ehud shares a beer with his good buddy George.

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