Former Kike NYT Editor Attacks New NYT Kikes for Not Stopping Kike-Hater Ocasio

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 29, 2018

While most of America is thinking about how badly they want to fuck the 28-year-old wetback communist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a newly elected New York Congressperson (primary is the election in a district that blue), the Jews are thinking another thought: that they need to destroy her before she destroys them.

Ocasio, you see, hates the kikes.

She is rabidly anti-Israel and her BFF has run a decades-long campaign against the Jews of New York City.

The crypt-keeping kike former head of the NYT, Jill Abramson, has now come out and blasted the paper for not “covering her campaign” AKA “making sure she didn’t get elected.”

She unseated a faithful servant of the kikes who was being floated as a potential replacement for Pelosi.

Old Jews, you see, understand just how worthlessly incompetent this new batch is.

Daily Beast:

It may not have been the tweet heard ’round the world, but it was certainly heard—like a thunderclap—at The New York Times’ headquarters at 620 Eighth Avenue in Manhattan.

“Kind of pisses me off that @ nytimes is still asking Who Is Ocasio-Cortez? when it should have covered her campaign,” Jill Abramson erupted on Twitter on Wednesday morning—a biting reference to the newspaper’s original headline concerning the 28-year-old socialist’s shocking Democratic primary upset, a landslide actually, over incumbent Joe Crowley in New York’s 14th Congressional District.

Indeed, a quick review of the Times’ coverage of the primary race turned up mention of and quotes from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in two news stories prior to Election Night, and a few name-checks in editorials—one of which, published in the June 20 print edition, noted that she’s “a challenger [Crowley] is heavily favored to beat.”

“Missing her rise [is] akin to not seeing Trump’s win coming in 2016,” Abramson added in her tweet—an even more biting reference to the Times’ self-acknowledged failings in the paper’s reporting of the presidential campaign.

In response to Abramson’s critique—which she elaborated in several emailed comments shared with the Times—Times spokeswoman Eileen Murphy told The Daily Beast: “We have enormous respect for Jill and deeply appreciate her passion. Criticism and feedback helps us do better work and we’re always open to it. On these specifics though, we just disagree with Jill.” A few hours after Abramson’s tweet, the headline phrase that pissed her off, “Who is Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez?” was changed online to “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A 28-Year-Old Democratic Giant Slayer.”

The Times, of course, is used to reader complaints—but not to public spankings from former executive editors.

Abramson, 64, famously held that job for nearly three years—the first and only woman to do so—until she was summarily sacked amid an unseemly public-relations melee in May 2014.

Replaced with another kike, of course… right?

No, it’s actually a nigger, lol.

But this nigger is just sitting around playing Minecraft in his office all day, doesn’t do anything, can’t be blamed for this. There is still a Jew publisher, Arthur Gregg Sulzberger. He is the one getting blamed here by Abramson. He’s only 37 years old.

He just took over from his dad, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., earlier this year, after his dad was blasted for screwing up the Trump thing. The elder Sulzberger was the one who issued the apology for lying about Donald Trump’s chances in the 2016 election.

So this is a Jew matriarch lecturing a bunch of Jews for not stopping an anti-Jew candidate. Which they easily could have done, if they would have researched Ocasio, written articles about how anti-Jewish she is.

I fear sounding like a jealous old-timer. I’ve resisted critiquing the place publicly, but this shit is bad,” Abramson wrote in an email to this reporter, in which she elaborated on her tweet.

“I’m feeling about the NYT now like I did when my son cheated on a test in 10th grade,” she wrote. “I loved him to death, believed he was a thoroughly wonderful young man, but he needed a course correction. So I left my desk at The NYT, where I was DC [Bureau] Chief, met his school bus and read him the riot act. He needed a course correction.

So does the NYT… it’s making horrible mistakes left and right. Here are a few:

“Not covering the ‘stunning’ upset of Joe Crowley. It’s the NYT that was undeservedly stunned, letting down its readers.

“That horrible 3,000-word exposé on Ali Watkins [the Times reporter who’s caught up in a leak investigation involving her ex-boyfriend, a former top staffer on the Senate Intelligence Committee] that aired her sex life and conflicts while not probing why she was hired, responsibility of editors, or, most crucially, the value of her journalism (her Carter Page scoop in BuzzFeed actually helped lead to appt of Mueller).

Well, she was hired because she got leaks by fucking a government official.

Can’t exactly report that.

“That story hung a 26-year-old young woman out to dry. It was unimaginable to me what the pain must be like for her.

“Readers, meanwhile, the most important NYT constituency, were left in a state of confusion.

“Decision by international and new TV show plan to focus on personal feelings and experiences of NYT journalists covering news.

“More narcissism: It’s always about us. Yikes. Distance is part of journalism’s discipline.

“They need a course correction.

“Am I wrong?”

In a subsequent phone interview, Abramson tried to soften the sting of her critiques, saying they come from “a place of pure love” for the newspaper, and adding that “Dean [Baquet] is doing a great job” as executive editor.

“I would describe my tweet as momentary disappointment, not deep dissatisfaction,” she said.

The Underlying Thing Here

This story might just seem dumb.

But it however says quite a lot.

The NYT is indisputably the most powerful media outlet on the planet. Other than being one of the most read publications, it is, more importantly, the publication that sets the agenda for everyone else. Every liberal website and every cable news room goes to the NYT to check what they are supposed to be reporting on, what spin they are supposed to be putting on things.

Furthermore, Democrat politicians go to the paper for talking points.

And they are doing a horrible job of running the narrative.

And there isn’t really any reason for it, other than incompetence.

Their decision to push the completely baseless theory that it was impossible for Trump to win – a theory that denied every objective measurement available on the amount of support he had – was probably one of the worst decisions ever made in history.

If they would have instead taken a hardline position that “if you don’t get out there and vote, he is going to win,” the entire rest of the media and the majority of Democrat politicians would have parroted that narrative, and it quite possibly could have changed the outcome of the election.

Allowing a completely unhinged 28-year-old mestiza who hates Jews to unseat an 8-term established Jew shill Congressman simply because they didn’t do any research on her and for whatever reason assumed she had no chance of winning is just another example of this same thing. They very, very easily could have stopped her by making a big thing of her statements about Israel, her connections to rabid anti-Semites.

Every Time This Thing

Every time I look at how badly these Jews are failing, I think about what I would have done if I was a Jew snake. Looking at the demographics of the district, and looking at the hate for “old white men” that the Democrats have fomented, the fact she is sexy (when she doesn’t flash the donkey teeth – I would have published only donkey-teeth pics of her, like, literally had a meeting and said “only use open mouth pics of this bitch) and idealistic – there is no way in hell I would have written this off as “no chance,” and would have focused in on her as a threat to Jews.

But the current Jews are drunk on power. And they are fixated with Donald Trump. If they were not fixated with Trump, they would have taken the time to create a coherent platform, and they wouldn’t be risking being overthrown by spicy brown people.

Because look: brown people are going to vote Democrat no matter what. Yes, you have to convince them to get out and vote, but the idea that you have to replace competent white shill and Jewish politicians with them is just nuts.

Why just why?

These people have absolutely no idea what they are doing, and they are refusing to bring in people that do. Either that, or there just aren’t any competent people who care to be involved. Unless you’re doing Pizzagate type stuff, why would you join the Democrat Party or their media arms as a competent individual with other career options in finance or business?