Former Labour Mayor Undefeated for 25 Years Defects to UKIP

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 19, 2014

Former Labour Mayor Michael Madigan has defected to UKIP.

UKIP were not just blowing hot air when they said there would be Labour party members joining them as well as Conservatives.

The latest establishment figure to ditch the Lib/Lab/Con is the former mayor for East Lancashire Michael Madigan, who represented Labour on Blackburn council for 25 years undefeated.

Mr Madigan had this to say about his defection in This Is Lancashire:

“I have given many hours to the Labour Party but it has changed dramatically and no longer represents the views of many former loyal supporters.”

“I believe that Ukip is now the party of the working class.”

“The Labour Party’s outright opposition to welfare reform has not done them any credit.”

“It caused the development of parallel communities by the promotion of multiculturalism.”

“Their policies have contributed to the radicalisation of young Muslims with the imposition of political correctness, the relaxation of border controls, an illegal war in Iraq and importantly the issue of too many work permits for clerics from the Indian sub-continent.”

Saying goodbye to the EU.