Former “Taliban Hostage” Charged with “Sexual Assault” of Own Wife!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 3, 2018

So this guy was a hippie who converted to Islam after becoming obsessed with terrorist groups and who took his 7-months pregnant wife on an extreme hiking adventure through Afghanistan.

It was clear and obvious that he was intent on joining the Taliban, presumably choosing that particular time because he wanted his child to be raised in that environment.

Before Islam

After Islam

After he was “freed” – something that was pushed for by Trump, as a publicity stunt mainly – he said he might stay in Pakistan because he thought he probably faced charges at home. Presumably, he was worried about being charged with joining a terrorist organization.

Then Canada was like “no no no, we love you,” so he went home.

When I read the headline saying he’d been charged with something, I just assumed that it was terrorism-related. But it’s apparently related to beating and raping his wife and refusing to let her leave the house.


Fox News:

Joshua Boyle, the former hostage of a Taliban-linked group who was held captive with his family in the Middle East for five years, was arrested Monday in Canada and faces a slew of charges following his return home in mid-October.

Boyle, 34, appeared in court Monday on a variety of charges, ranging from two counts of sexual assault to two counts of unlawful confinement, The Toronto Star reported. He’s reportedly also been charged with uttering death threats, misleading police, assault, and causing someone to “take a noxious thing, namely Trazodone.”

That’s an anti-depressant. One can have a discussion about the nature of such drugs, but it’s hardly “noxious.”

It might make you tired, but it’s not like, a tranquilizer.

The alleged actions by Boyle reportedly occurred between Oct. 14 and Dec. 20, The Star reported, citing a court document.

Boyle, a Canadian, and his American wife, 31-year-old Caitlan Coleman, along with their three young children, were rescued on Oct. 11 by Pakistani troops from captivity in Pakistan and Afghanistan, where they were held by Taliban-linked extremists.

Boyle and Coleman were held for five years after being abducted during a backpacking trip in Afghanistan in October 2012.

Coleman was seven months pregnant at the time of her abduction. Coleman said her captors forced the abortion of her daughter after Boyle refused to join their terrorist organization.

I think this is bullshit, like so many elements of their story. Firstly, I think he wanted to join the organization. Secondly, I can’t see why they would force the woman to have an abortion, even if they didn’t join. They could raise the kid themselves, plus they would have a baby hostage to add to the stack.

Most likely, she had a miscarriage because she was delivering in a cave, and they came up with the forced-abortion story because that fits into the claim that they weren’t there to join the organization.

They had three more kids there, after all.

Following her husband’s arrest, Coleman said in a statement to The Star, “I can’t speak about the specific charges, but I can say that ultimately it is the strain and trauma he was forced to endure for so many years and the effects that that had on his mental state that is most culpable for this.”

She added: “Obviously, he is responsible for his own actions, but it is with compassion and forgiveness that I say I hope help and healing can be found for him. As to the rest of us, myself and the children, we are healthy and holding up as well as we can.”

So this woman obviously called the cops on her husband – because after returning from the cave, he continued to use a husband-technique that he used in the cave.

Imagine that.

This woman went with him to live in a cave, where they acted like Moslems for 5 years, then when they get back, a few months later she calls the cops on him for acting like a Moslem.

That is what I try to tell you people who want to get some mail-order bride from Slavland. Sure, if you want to go live in a village with her in Eastern Europe, she’ll behave according to those social standards. But as soon as you get her back to the West, she will act just the same – in fact, probably worse – than the rest of these whores.

It is well known that the Polish and Romanian girls in London are the biggest whores of all. Because they grew-up without female liberation and then moved to a place with female liberation. So they go nuts.

This is a slightly different situation and a very specific situation but the principle is the same. Women will behave according to the cultural paradigm, always. This is the argument I make against the people in the “women have agency” camp. How can the claim be made that they possess agency when they will all behave exactly the same if given the same stimulus input?