Found Deleted Texts Show FBI Agents Openly Discussing the Fixing of the Clinton Investigation

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 26, 2018

So we now have it just openly out in public that the Comey FBI plotted to not bring charges against Clinton.

We already had confirmation of that in several different ways, but now we have hard documentation that James “O Jimmy Boy” Comey lied under oath about how he fixed a criminal investigation.

And still, Sessions waits.

Fox News:

Newly revealed texts between Trump-bashing FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page show the “fix was in” during Hillary Clinton’s email probe in 2016, Republican lawmakers say. 

The latest batch of text messages between Strzok and Page, who were involved romantically, revealed their private conversations regarding Clinton — and their concern about being too tough on her during the investigation into her private email system use. The text messages indicate they were wary of a backlash from Clinton if she were to win the presidential election. 

“It doesn’t appear anyone wanted her charged,” House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

In the newly released texts from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, Page warned Strzok that Clinton “might be our next president,” in a Feb. 25, 2016 exchange.

“The last thing you need [is] going in there loaded for bear,” Page continued. “You think she’s going to remember or care that it was more [DOJ] than [FBI]?”

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said Friday that he and congressional colleagues “all suspected the fix was in” on the Clinton probe, even before those messages were released. He also questioned what these revelations suggest about the ongoing special counsel probe into possible Trump associate collusion with Russia. 

“Now we know the fix was in, and I think the logical thing is, if the fix was in on the Clinton investigation, and if these same people—the top people at the FBI—started and ran the Trump-Russia investigation, might there be some bad things going on there as well?” Jordan said on “Fox & Friends” Friday. “And as you look at these text messages, it sure looks like there is.”

Strzok and Page both worked on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team for a short period of time at the start of his Russia probe — despite their apparent concerns, revealed in other texts released this week, that there was “no big there there.”

“I don’t like bias. I don’t like political bias and this was an incredibly politically charged case as was, and is, the Russia investigation,” Gowdy said. “So politics and political bias is even more important in a case like this. I don’t know why the left is straining to minimize the manifest bias that was exhibited by these agents. I just don’t get it.”

Another exchange between Strzok and Page dated July 1, 2016 referenced then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s decision to accept the FBI’s conclusion in the Clinton investigation. Lynch’s announcement came days after it was revealed that the attorney general and former President Bill Clinton had an impromptu meeting aboard her plane in Phoenix.

“Timing looks like hell,” Strzok texted Page.

“Yeah, that is awful timing,” Page agreed. In a later message, she added: “It’s a real profile in couragw [sic], since she knows no charges will be brought.”

That text renewed Republican suspicions that top law enforcement officials at the time were expecting not to pursue charges against Clinton.

I will attack Sessions sometimes for doing nothing, but I honestly think that the Trump attacks on him were theater and that he is being ordered not to open an investigation – yet.

Trump appears to be letting all of this slowly build up, at the same time that he is slowly being cleared of the hoaxed charges against him by this “secret society.”

We now have a massive whale of a mountain of documentation – enough for all of these people to be sent to prison – and we haven’t even opened an investigation.

Employing FBI agents who were involved in the conspiracy to clear Clinton on the Sanhedrin to try to impeach Trump for a Russian collusion hoax shows a boldness that is almost unfathomable. So you can just imagine what it is going to look like when we open up these people’s entire private communications.

The Hillary Clinton email server investigation is going to have to be done over. And that doesn’t even relate to the conspiracy against Trump – it was a totally separate thing.

This is the biggest political scandal in the history of the earth.

You combine this with the situation in the Middle East, the rise of the Alt-Right and my new alliance with Bo Jackson – 2018 is gonna be one helluva ride.