Four Blacks Rob/Stab 64-Year-Old White Male as He Read a Book on a Park Bench in 65% Black Baltimore

Stuff Black People Don’t Like
September 16, 2016

Back in 1989, the first black mayor of Baltimore declared the declining metropolis “The City that Reads.” Yes, The City that Bleeds: Race, History, and the Death of Baltimore is a direct play on this hilarious moniker, considering the high rate of illiteracy found among the population of the majority black city.

However, one person who was not illiterate is the white man who was attacked in broad daylight by four blacks as he merely tried to read a book in a Baltimore park not far from Johns Hopkins University. “The City that Reads” intersects with the “The City that Bleeds” in one story.

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One more thing you can’t do in a majority black city in broad daylight: read a book on a park bench

He just didn’t have situational awareness.[Man, 64, stabbed, robbed at gunpoint at Wyman Park Dell near Johns Hopkins University Homewood campus, Baltimore Sun, 9-13-16]:

64-year-old man was stabbed twice and robbed at gunpoint by four suspects at Wyman Park Dell near the Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus in North Baltimore Monday, police said.

The victim told police he had been sitting on a park bench and reading a book about 5 p.m. at the park at East 29th and North Charles streets when one of the suspects sat down next to him and asked if he knew of a place to exchange foreign money, according to a police report.

As the first suspect asked the question, another pointed a gun to the victim’s head, police said. The four suspects surrounded him, the one in front of him holding a small knife, police said.

The man told the group he didn’t know of a place to exchange money, then felt a punch in his back and realized he was being mugged, police said. The man in front of him maced him, and another forced him to hand over his iPhone, $60 in cash from his wallet and black North Face backpack containing an iPad, and the victim’s house and car keys.

During the assault, the victim was stabbed in his right arm and his right lower back, police said. He was taken to a hospital, where his wounds were stapled and he was discharged the same day.

The victim’s name was not released. He is not affiliated with the university, police said.

Police said officers used the “Find My iPhone” app to recover the phone, which was found nearby. A witness confirmed the attack to police, and said she had seen the suspects running west on 29th Street toward Howard Street, police said.

The four suspects were described as three black males an

d one female, ages roughly 16-20.

Two of the males wore no shirt and were armed with handguns, police said. One had white pants; the other had dark ones. The third suspect wore a dark tank top shirt, dark jeans, and had a knife, police said. The female wore a pink tank top shirt and jeans, police said.

In a city where elected black leaders wear Colin Kaepernick’s NFL jersey to city council meetings (you know, the anti-white/anti-police second string quarterback), you’d think the white minority – roughly 28 percent of the city’s population – would understand there are some things you just can’t do anymore in parks in Baltimore.

Reading a book in broad daylight is one of them.