Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 8, 2016
On Fox News, some stupid bitch named Marjorie Clifton actually started crying about Trump grabbing pussies.
This is so insane.
We are being kiked so hard it’ll make your head spin.
I hate all these people.
We’re on the brink of a nuclear war, and these scumbags are talking about pussy-grabbing.
Wtf is going on?
It’s like some sick acid trip.
Like, I’m picturing nuclear bombs going off as cyborg feminists chant “don’t grab the pussy! my body my choice!”
If we lose this election, the Jews are going to be blamed.
Get ready for a wild ride.
By the way, me and my team will be doing live coverage tomorrow night for the debate, starting at 8pm eastern time. We’re going to do an hour before, then however long after. People might be able to call-in during the “after” coverage. Still working that out.