Fox News Contributer Defends Hitler, Calls Out Frankfurt School Jews as the Root of Our Ills

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 24, 2016

This is absolutely fantastic news.

Chuck Woolery, former game show host and Fox News contributor, just went on to talk about the Hollywood actor-filled Joss Whedon ad against Trump – and attacked cultural Marxism and DEFENDED ADOLF HITLER.

Here are the statements:

When the cultural Marxists get together in their sheep pen … it’s like they all follow each other because they’re afraid to do anything else. I guarantee you, I don’t know all of these people, I’m not sure I know any of them, however, I know the culture, I lived there 45 years, I know what it’s like. You do it for one reason, one is you want to work, the other is it’s not important to know anything as long as someone has a teleprompter in front of you to give you the lines to say.

There’s got to be kind of a backlash against this. It’s really what probably Trump’s candidacy is all about and we all know that. But it’s this massive backlash agains t this PC, which, you know, no one knows where this stuff came from, it just kind of – PC just kind of appeared. Well, it didn’t. It was the Frankfurt School is where it appeared. And the Frankfurt School, it’s a real interesting little piece. Frankfurt School was in Germany obviously, brought on PC, Marx [sic] picked it up, thought it was great for his government. By the second World War, Hitler was such an anti-communist that the Franklin School had to move – prolly the Frankfurt School – so they moved here, to the Columbia Universery Campus. You will find the Frankfurt School on Columbia’s property. That’s where political correctness came from.

I like the history of all of this stuff, so that I understand what’s happening today. I want to know who my enemy is. Our enemy is cultural Marxism. And that’s with Hollywood, with everything.

This is just glorious.


Things have changed so, so much. This is one step away from saying straight up “Hitler was right about these Jews.” Look at the way he doesn’t even bother to insert the caveat of “oh well of course Hitler was such an evil guy, but…” He just basically says “Hitler didn’t want them destroying his country so they fled to ours.”

“Frankfurt School” means “Jews.” Every member of the Frankfurt School was Jewish, and their agenda was a completely Jewish tribal agenda, something which has been examined at length by Dr. Kevin MacDonald (there’s also a pretty detailed Wikipedia page).

And this isn’t something like “liberalism,” where “conservatives” can say “well, yes, there are a lot of Jews involved in liberalism, but it isn’t all Jews…” It’s not even like the neoconservative movement, which is almost entirely Jewish, but where you have to say “oh well, Cheney and Rumsfeld were goyim…”

No. Every member of this organization was a Jew. It epitomized Jewry.


This is where the basic concepts of Western civilization as a disease came from. Woolery is 100% correct in his assertions here. It was a program to destroy Western civilization and it worked.

Under the umbrella of “Critical Theory,” these Jews gave us such great ideas as:

  • Feminism
  • Sexual liberation
  • Gender theory
  • Gay Rights
  • Racial equality
  • Black liberation

The entire 1960s social revolution program came directly from these Jews.

Most likely, Woolery got this information from William S. Lind’s 1999 documentary “Political Correctness: The Frankfurt School (alternately titled “The History of Political Correctness”), which was picked-up by Tea Partiers in the late 00s.

Certainly, many who watched that documentary and recognized its truthfulness are not necessarily anti-Semitic. Woolery may or may not be up on the JQ. The point is that when you understand that all of these ideas came directly from Jews, who identified strongly as Jewish and viewed their work as a part of the Jewish Tikkun Olam agenda – and even realize this was why Hitler had such a problem with these people – you are literally one step away from grasping the entire picture of what is going on on planet earth in the year 2016.

The maker of the above documentary himself has said that the Frankfurt School was “Jewish, to a man.”

Byron Jost made a better version of the same documentary which calls out the Jews by name and features Kevin MacDonald entitled “Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness.”

We are literally inches away from breaking through here, people.

I mean – inches.

This clip on Fox News was pro-Hitler and anti-Semitic, just using different language.

We are Winning

All we need to do is stay the course.

Be extremely weary of any of these people who are attempting to steer the Alt-Right away from the Jewish question at this crucial juncture. The Jews are 100% aware of what is going on, they know how close they are, and that is why we see this concerted attempt to redirect the movement. I don’t talk about the details of this too much, because I don’t think the details matter, but anyone who is paying attention is aware that the movement is under a sustained assault, an attempted hijacking taking place.

It all seems to center around the Jewish homosexual Milo Yiannopoulos.

And it involves the feds. Anyone who doesn’t think there are feds in this movement is being dangerously naive. Just look at the history of pro-White movements in America. Most of them ultimately ended up being led by feds. In the past, the purpose was to lead people into violent acts, or agreeing to do violent acts, but at this point, because we’re on the internet, the goal is to breakup or redirect the movement.

So, you know. Pay attention to what’s going on around you. Situational awareness is key here. Of course, it doesn’t matter who’s a fed and who’s an opportunist or a conman – anyone who is trying to tell you not to focus on the Jewish problem is an enemy of this movement, attempting to destroy us. It doesn’t matter what their reasoning for doing so is.

My message to you is that we do not need to change anything to win. We are already so, so close to opening up public discussion about the Jewish problem. To back down now, and start cucking out about how Jews aren’t really a problem, and maybe some of them are actually White somehow, and really we like Israel and want to be friends with the Jews because they’re also nationalists like us, amounts to clutching defeat from the jaws of victory.

We are winning.

Stay the course.

Hail Victory.