Fox News Gets in on the “Anonymous Leaks” Game: Kushner Didn’t Plan Russian Back Channel!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 30, 2017

I’m so sick of this anonymous sources nonsense.





It’s dumb.

The majority of the supposed “leaks” are non-falsifiable in the first place, meaning that the newspaper Jews themselves could just be making them up. Or actual people in the government could be lying. Or even Trump himself could be releasing them as a distraction or to make the media look stupid later.

I do think that these cases should be prosecuted, and I think we should ask whether or not the newspapers themselves printing them should be charged with sedition. At the very least though, they need to start presenting evidence, not just “some random person said this.”

Fox News:

A December meeting between Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and one of the senior advisers in the Trump administration, and Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak at Trump Tower focused on Syria, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News Monday.

During the meeting the Russians broached the idea of using a secure line between the Trump administration and Russia, not Kushner, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News. That follows a recent report from The Washington Post alleging that Kushner wanted to develop a secure, private line with Russia.

The idea of a permanent back channel was never discussed, according to the source. Instead, only a one-off for a call about Syria was raised in the conversation.

In addition, the source told Fox News the December meeting focused on Russia’s contention that the Obama administration’s policy on Syria was deeply flawed.

Details of the meeting follow a NBC report that Kushner, who is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka, is currently under FBI scrutiny as part of the investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Kislyak allegedly then relayed the suggestion to his superiors in Moscow. That was based on intercepts of Russian communications that were reviewed by U.S. officials, although neither the meeting nor the communications of the Americans involved were under U.S. surveillance, officials told the Post.

The source has told Fox News that Kushner is eager to tell Congress about the meeting and any others of interest.

Basically, Trump Team admitted that Kushner did this by not denying the reports and actually defending the idea. DHS Secretary Kelly appeared on three shows Sunday saying that it was a good idea to establish a back channel. A bunch of other surrogates have been making the same argument.

But I guess Fox News is now going to compete with WaPo and NYT doing these “leaks.”

It would actually be funny if from now on, every time one of those two prints any anonymous “leaks,” Fox prints anonymous “leaks” saying the opposite. Just as a troll.

As far as the Kushner thing – I think it’s certain he was involved in some shady stuff behind Trump’s back, and I’m now convinced that when the impeachment comes, stuff he did will be a big part of it.

If Kushner met with the Russians at all – which even this Fox report admits – this is worse than what Flynn did – all he did was make a phone call. And Flynn got fired after it was confirmed that the call was made. The transcript still hasn’t been released, and we don’t know that they discussed sanctions, but Kushner discussing Syria policy is basically on the same level as that.

Hopefully, Trump has a plan to pin everything on this Jew.

But that would really be an audacious hope.

When Trump fired Comey and reignited this whole Russian spy kookspiracy thing – after five weeks of radio silence following the Syria attack – I thought he had some master plan to bring back order and destroy his enemies. Now, I honestly have no idea that he has any idea what he’s doing.

I do think that the Comey firing is proof he still does want to do what he said he was going to do, and the way the Jews are at his throat is proof that they think the same. I’m just not sure he has enough people with his back to pull this off, and I’m not sure he’s got a solid strategy.

Right now, we are on the road to impeachment, period. That is what we are sitting here watching with this “independent” counsel appointed by the Jew Rosenstein.

So, the options right now are:

  1. He just keeps doing what he’s doing right now, gets impeached
  2. He declares martial law, citing a seditious conspiracy by Schiff, Schumer, Comey, Clapper, McCain, etc. along with the media and a network of “deep state” agents to undermine the US government, and puts these people all on trial
  3. He somehow blames all of this on Jared Kushner
  4. He pulls out some ace in the hole that can’t be foreseen by anyone at this time

I said a long time ago that I’m done making predictions, and I was serious.

But only one of those four things can happen, because there is no way that Mueller is not going to find a reason to impeach him. We already know that Comey was making fake memos to leave a trail, Clapper was almost certainly falsifying intelligence, NSA Rogers lied under oath so he is obviously in on it as well to whatever extent – probably to the extent of falsifying intelligence.

Basically, once Trump got the nomination – and maybe even before – these people began setting up a falsified record relating to Russian collaboration that could be used to impeach him. It was obviously a preplanned thing, because there was no reason to suggest collusion when they started suggesting it.

The logic of it still hasn’t been explained – obviously, Putin would have preferred Trump to win, because Trump was not campaigning on a war with Russia as Hillary – and all of the other GOP contenders – were.

So even if they were to somehow establish that Russia did Wikileaks to help Trump – something which they have never even attempted to establish, but just claimed without any evidence – that would not indicate that Trump worked with Russia to do it.

Apparently the hypothetical is that Russia helped Trump in exchange for something. But Trump was offering what Russia wanted – peace and an end to the Syrian conflict – already.

So what would the call even look like?

Putin: We will help you win the election by doing Wikileaks, but we want you to end the conflict in Syria and stop NATO from trying to start a war with us.

Trump: Okay, well, I was already planning on doing that anyway, because I really don’t think this whole endless war thing is good for America. It’s been one of my main campaign points, which maybe you saw in the news, so…

Putin: So you want us to do Wikileaks then?

Trump: Yep.

Putin: Okay, cool. I’ll have my team in St. Petersburg send a phishing email to John Podesta and break into the DNC’s totally unsecured servers.

Trump: Sounds good.

“Collusion” is in no way intuitive here.

This is to say:

  • Russia preferred Trump because Trump’s stated foreign policy – which was mostly totally standard Buchanan/Perot/Paul style paleocon stuff – would be good for Russia.
  • Why would they risk communication with Trump if they wanted to help him?

AND ONE MORE TIME: There has as of yet been no attempt to establish the “fact” that Russia did Wikileaks, despite the fact that people like Schiff, Comey, Clapper, Rogers, McCain and the entire media are now referring to it as an “established fact.”

None of any of this makes any sense and no one is attempting to even try and make any sense of it.

So the fact that they appointed a special counsel at all means that they are planning to fix the evidence.

He is already impeached.