Fox News Host Claims Trump Threatened to Murder Megyn [sic] Kelly

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 28, 2016

The annoying bastard and presumed Jew Greg Gutfeld, appearing on whatever show it is he hosts on Fox News, came out with the outrageous claim that Donald Trump was threatening to have Megyn [sic] Kelly murdered.

I don’t think it is about Donald Trump at all. I don’t even think it is about the debate.

This is about a threat made against someone in the media. [Trump campaign manager] Corey Lewandowski made a threat, basically saying that, ‘Hey, Megyn Kelly, you don’t want to see what happens to you again, what happened after that debate.’ I mean, that — this is no longer a campaign. It’s a Sopranos in khakis. I mean, this is nuts. It’s like saying, ‘Hey, Megyn, you got a nice gig going. It would be a real shame if were to happen to you.’ And this is grotesque to me. And it’s not about Fox News. It is about ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN. What if their anchor was faced with a threat because they didn’t kiss the ring of a petulant king? This is a big problem, because once you start bowing because you don’t please them because you’re scared, then you lose. You’re no longer a journalist. And if you don’t think this is a big deal that she was threatened, if you don’t think this was a big deal, you do not belong in this profession. Go do infomercials selling Flowbees, because that’s where you belong.

These people are losing it.

They just can’t handle the fact that they’ve lost control.
