Daily Slave
August 9, 2015

The biggest loser of last night’s Republican presidential debate was undoubtedly Fox News. Even though the debate scored enormous ratings with something like 24 million viewers, the method of questioning delivered by the Fox moderators has completely destroyed the network’s credibility.
Most of us already know the score with Fox News. They are a propaganda operation which promotes a very slanted pro-Jewish, pro-Israel, pro-Zionist world view. It is a fairly unbalanced promoter of disinformation. They only pretend to be pro-White and pro-America to fool White people into accepting these dumb wars for Jews. It is important to note however that there are many White conservatives who haven’t quite gotten that yet. The debate last night seems to have been unintentionally successful at making a large number of White conservatives see what a fraud Fox News really is.
I agree @megynkelly is a retarded slut, but she should at least learn to spell her own first name.
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 8, 2015
The bias was embarrassingly transparent. Nearly all of the questions the Fox moderators posed were gotcha type questions. Many of them had little if any substance. They were simply designed to make people look bad. Often times the questions they asked ran longer than the amount of time the candidate had to answer them.
hey @megynkelly don't worry no one respected you before that wacky shit because you can't spell your own name pic.twitter.com/n1kZGTRJ6V
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 8, 2015
Of particular note were the ridiculously slanted questions they posed to The Donald. Several of them were personal attacks masked as questions. Megyn Kelly’s ridiculous question which was framed to make Trump look as if he was engaged in some made up war on women, specifically sparked a great deal of social media backlash. If you take a look at Kelly’s FaceJew page, nearly 99% of the comments are negative. Many of the posters mentioned that they weren’t even Trump supporters but found the questions posed by her and the other Fox moderators to be ridiculous and inappropriate.
hey @megynkelly everyone knows you sucked your way to the top but please learn spelling pic.twitter.com/jlNyC47XM7
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 8, 2015
If that wasn’t bad enough you had the ridiculous Jew Frank Luntz with his obviously staged post-debate focus group of bought and paid for retards. Somebody seriously needs to take that creature and stuff him in a concentration camp. He has no business doing anything in media nor do other members of his awful tribe of swindlers and liars.
hey @megynkelly maybe you should have spent less money on plastic surgery and more on spelling lessons pic.twitter.com/NBgVvijj29
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 8, 2015
The bottom line is that Fox News has been totally exposed as a media operation for Jews and cuckservatives. They are no different than CNN, MSNBC or any of these other pro-Jew media operations. The big news here is that a much larger number of people now realize this thanks to last night’s debate.
hey @megynkelly please consult the internet before you write your name again, dumb bitch pic.twitter.com/JTKkSOWW0Z
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 8, 2015