Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 14, 2014
![Allen West: Has the magic Negro finally been discovered?](/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/0211-news-allen-west-2.jpg)
One of the most disgusting fiascos resulting from the appointment of a Planet of the Apes Occupation Government to rule over the American people has been the “conservative” attempts to look not-racist.
Here you have Fox News using the part-ape Judge Jeanine Pirro and the full-ape Allen West to oppose the PotA regime.
I will grant that these are both basically White-washed coloreds, who are possibly even partially genuine in their dislike of Obama, but the fact is that they are severe exceptions. Obama represents Black politics – that is, the politics of the vast majority of Blacks – and that fact is being distorted by putting the few Blacks who oppose him in prominent positions on television.
What this does is present the false reality that Obama’s politics have nothing to do with race, when in reality, the entire operation has been about pushing the racial interests of Blacks and other subhumans.
Fox News, which is viewed by the vast majority of conservative Americans who do not use the internet (or use it minimally) as representative of conservative interests, is being obsessively used to undermine the core conservative values of the American people.
Traditionally, race was a core component of social conservationism in America. Though I don’t think Christian Americans ever felt a deep hatred towards Blacks, they recognized them as different and something which should be separated from us. They also recognized them as fundamentally inferior. Fox News distorts this reality, framing it as though the only problem with Blacks is their politics, and if we could get them on board with the Republican party, they’d be fine and dandy.
Of course, Blacks and other subhumans will never support the Republican party in any significant numbers because they want free everything and the Democratic party is better at giving them that.
Just so, the traditional position of Americans on faggotism is that it should be outlawed and treated as either a criminal act or a mental illness. But I have heard Sean Hannity and others on Fox News saying “I fully agree with the gays rights to practice an alternative lifestyle, I just don’t think they should be able to get married” (paraphrased).
Who is he representing with this position? It seems that it is purposefully devised to shift the belief system of conservatives to the left, while making them believe they are keeping their values in tact.
The fake conservative movement is a much bigger threat than the leftists, as the leftists have become cartoonish and retarded, and anyone who believes that crap is so far gone they can’t possibly be saved anyway. Thus, our job is to appeal to the real core of America, and steer them away from this vile fake-right.