Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 26, 2014

The best possible result has resulted from the Gary Oldman “Mel Gibson was right” drama – Abe Foxman has doubled down on the attempted crucifixion of Oldman, rejecting his sarcastic apology as not good enough.
In his apology, Gary first said he was sorry for saying Jews run Hollywood, then cited a book about how Jews run Hollywood.
Foxman has said that Jews do not run Hollywood, but that he is presently in the process of shutting down Gary Oldman’s career, by working with his fellow Jews who, apparently, without running Hollywood still somehow have the ability to destroy the career of a popular and Oscar-nominated actor if that actor claims that they do run Hollywood.
Here is the entire Foxman statement:
While his apology may be heartfelt, Mr. Oldman does not understand why his words about Jewish control were so damaging and offensive, and it is therefore insufficient.
His reference to the Neal Gabler book he was reading only reinforces the notion that Jewish directors, producers and financiers are there in Hollywood as Jews. They’re not, and the book does not draw that conclusion. They are there acting as individuals. They do not pursue a Jewish agenda or strategy. They are there acting as professionals and Americans with skills working alongside many other non-Jews who are also in show business for the same reasons.
Mr. Oldman needs to recognize that his words, not just as they were written, but as he uttered them, are deeply offensive. And he needs to be sensitive to the fact that other remarks for which he has yet to apologize – including his disparaging remarks about the Pope and about gay people – were also deeply troubling and hurtful to many.
Whether they intend it or not, celebrities act as role models and bear an outsized responsibility for their words and their actions. Oldman needs to make clear not only to the Jewish community but also his fans that his words are predicated on offensive notions and, as such, are clearly unacceptable.
And he is openly planning to shut him down by working with his Jew producer buddies who run Hollywood as individuals but will destroy anyone who mentions Jews as a group.
“We have just begun a conversation with his managing producer,” said Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the ADL. “At this point, we are not satisfied with what we have received. His apology is insufficient and not satisfactory.”
A couple of things could happen here. Either Oldman is himself so fed up with these Jews that he doesn’t care any more, and is ready to continue trolling them until his career is completely destroyed, or he is going to fold and go on TV and cry. I don’t see how he could get away with anything less than crying publicly, after the sarcastic letter, which must have sent Foxman into a seizure.
Whatever happens, this is good for us. The Jews are so self-absorbed that they are sometimes incapable of strategizing when they feel threatened. They could have easily let Oldman’s comments slide, and no one would have thought anything of it. Instead, they make this massive public spectacle, and everyone is like “hmmm, why would a Hollywood actor claim that Jews run Hollywood if they do not, and how if they do not are they capable of destroying the career of anyone who questions them?”
This leads to the obvious realization that Hollywood is completely Jewed-out to the max, which then leads people to ask why the Jews insist on promoting values via the entrainment industry which are so contrary to mainstream American values. It also leads to the question “what else do they control?”