France: 18-Year-Old Girl Charged with Murder for Fighting Off Rapist

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 19, 2016

The brown person is always the victim.


And yes, that includes when he’s a rapist.

Daily Mail:

A woman who battered a man she says was groping her could face homicide charges after he died from his injuries.

The 18-year-old girl allegedly hit her attacker with the heel of her shoe after he continually pestered her in a public square in Bordeaux, in south-western France.

He died a a result of severe head injuries.

In spite of her protests, she told police, the man in his 30s continued to harass her and began groping her.

She said she repeatedly smashed her shoe into the alleged pervert’s head, but witnesses said she did not stop until he was unconscious.

The man was rushed to hospital in a critical condition, and went into a coma.

The alleged sex attacker died two weeks later, and prosecutors have now upgraded their investigation to homicide.

The teenage girl is now under investigation for using ‘mortal blows leading to death’.

She has been arrested and remanded in custody.

And where are the feminists…?