France: 75-Year-Old Retired General Arrested for Attending Pegida Rally in Calais

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 9, 2016


Retired French General Christian Piquemal dared to question the vibrance of diversity.

The Problem:

The goyim know

The Solution:

Shut it down.


A retired French general is due in court after he reportedly attended a banned anti-Islam rally as part of a day of right-wing demonstrations across Europe.

Christian Piquemal, 75, a former commander of the French Foreign Legion, was arrested in Calais on Saturday for allegedly joining a demonstration in support of the German anti-Islam movement PEGIDA, France 24 reports.

He had been due to appear on Monday, but his appearance has been postponed on health grounds, The Huffington Post reports.

An old man with health problems who served in his country’s military is locked in a cage for his political views.

This is what now passes for a free society. No one can explain it.

Piquemal and about 19 others were detained after 150 people gathered in central Calais in support of anti-Islam demonstrations taking place across Europe, including in Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and the U.K.

Supporters expressed outrage at the ex-general’s arrest on Twitter, with leading Front National politician Marion Marechal Le Pen tweeting her support.

French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve had called on authorities to prevent any groups from demonstrating in the town, which thanks to the presence of the notorious “jungle” refugee camp has become a flashpoint in Europe’s migration crisis.

France remains under a state of emergency, after militant gunmen attacked Paris in November 2015, and the government has banned a number of rallies in the intervening months as a result.

The general faces charges of “involvement in a gathering that did not disperse after warning.”

He said on Saturday that he was “shocked by the behavior of the police,” the BBC reports. “I expected you to be at attention, singing with us but not one of you opened your mouth,” he said.

Piquemal is one of dozens of people arrested after the co-ordinated protests, that were intended to show a united, pan-European movement standing in opposition to the perceived “Islamization” of Western countries.

There is no option but to shut it down. Otherwise the multicult will just totally collapse in on itself. You can’t give people a choice, because they aren’t going to choose infinity gang-rapists on the streets.


If you think this is not good, you must go to prison.

The problem is, shutting it down may also cause the system to collapse in on itself. Arresting old military veterans with health problems because of politically incorrect speech against terrorism and gang-rape is a very serious move and presumably not a move which would gain much popular support.