Le Parisian
September 29, 2014

A 76-year-old woman has been attacked and raped in her home on Ivry-sur-Seine by thugs who she complained were making too much noise in her building. A suspect in flight has just been arrested.
A broken, annihilated life. For this retired woman of 76 who has been living for years in Ivry (Val-de-Marne) close to the Parisian suburbs, there is a before … and an after August 7. On that day, four hooded men entered her home, one of them raped her while the three others ransacked her house. The alleged perpetrator of the rape was arrested last week and is being held in provisional detention.
A long-time resident of the building, the woman was living in peaceful retirement with her partner, who is a little younger than herself and still working. He leaves for work each morning, leaving his companion to attend to her own affairs. In recent months, discourtesies have multiplied in the building. Agitation, insults, occupation of halls and friction with the residents. “Young unemployed people gather there,” says a local. They are often noisy, spaced out.” “Between the shouting, the drugs and the tension, it’s become a zone of non-law,” says an exasperated tenant. I have lived here for 23 years, I’ve never seen it like that.”
Two steps away from a group that is often under her window, the retired woman sometimes asked for quiet, trying to start a dialogue. The gang remained deaf to her complaints. Worse, the verbal aggressions were mixed in with “anti-white” insults, according to witnesses. The woman in her 70s was intimidated and threatened with reprisals if she stayed at the window. She was even promised worse tortures. An extremity that would lead her to make a statement to the police.
Early in the morning of 7 August, everything changed. The retired woman’s partner had just left the home when the unhappy woman found herself face to face with four hooded men. They entered the apartment through the open window on the first floor. One of them rushed at her and raped her; his companions searched the rooms. The victim was finally left alone after a long ordeal.
In the neighbourhood, people say they are shocked and sickened. “It’s abominable,” says a neighbour. Since that day in August, the old lady’s shutters have been constantly closed. Can you imagine? In addition, I am sure she has crossed path with her attackers. They’re the ‘jeunes’ on the corner.”
Translation via Diversity Macht Frei.