France: Americans Stop Terror Moslem on a Train

Daily Stormer
August 22, 2015

We'll have fun fun fun til Muhammed shoots up the train again
We’ll have fun fun fun til Muhammed shoots up the train again

One thing I like about enrichful diversity is the fun times on public transport.


French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, speaking in Arras in northern France where the suspect was detained, said one of the American passengers was hospitalized with serious wounds.

Two of the Americans were in the military, according to their traveling companion and childhood friend Anthony Sadler, a senior at Sacramento State University. He told The Associated Press that the injured American was Spencer Stone of the Sacramento area and the other was Alek Skarlatos of Roseburg, Oregon.

“We heard a gunshot, and we heard glass breaking behind us, and saw a train employee sprint past us down the aisle,” Sadler said from France, describing the drama. Then, they saw a gunman entering the train car with an automatic rifle, he said.

“As he was cocking it to shoot it, Alek just yells, ‘Spencer, go!’ And Spencer runs down the aisle,” Sadler said. “Spencer makes first contact, he tackles the guy, Alek wrestles the gun away from him, and the gunman pulls out a box cutter and slices Spencer a few times. And the three of us beat him until he was unconscious.”

Another passenger helped tie the gunman up, and Stone then helped another passenger who had been wounded in the throat and losing blood, Sadler said.

“The gunman never said a word,” he added.

In Washington, the Pentagon said it “can only confirm that one U.S. military member was injured in the incident. The injury is not life-threatening.”

The White House issued a statement saying that President Barack Obama was briefed on the shooting, and said, “While the investigation into the attack is in its early stages, it is clear that their heroic actions may have prevented a far worse tragedy.”

The suspect is a 26-year-old Moroccan, according to Sliman Hamzi, an official with the Alliance police union, who spoke on French television i-Tele.

This is just going to keep happening, more and more, until we are in an open war with these people in Europe.

We can see the way it worked in Iraq and Afghanistan, where any civilian could be a fighter, so it was virtually impossible to subdue the insurgency. Moslems will soon wage that same type of warfare in Europe.

In fact, they already are.

More fun with Moslems on public transport – 17-year-old girl gets robbed and masturbated on in Denmark: