France: Arabs Burned 945 Cars on New Year’s Eve

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 3, 2016

The annual Arab car-burning festival in France is one place where you can see the seething hatred that these monkeys have for us.

They don’t do this for religious reasons. It isn’t terrorism. It is just something they do to celebrate. They celebrate by destroying things that belong to white people, simply because it brings them joy to harm white people.

The really nutty thing is that none of the outlets reporting on this in English – and there aren’t that many – bother to mention that this is an exclusively Islamic racial phenomenon.

I mean, I can get how they don’t report race if it’s a murder or robbery, but there are generally reasons outside of race for that. Like, a black robs someone, he did it because he was black, but he also did it because he wanted the money. They can then say “well, because he wanted money, it has nothing to do with race, because all people want money.”

But here – all people don’t want to randomly burn cars.

There has to be a reason for it.

And the reason that exists is purely racial. They do it out of racial hatred.

They report it and you’re supposed to picture white French people just going out and doing this randomly for no reason anyone understands. And yet they talk about it as a problem that they are trying to solve, year by year.

How can you solve a problem if you don’t acknowledge it has a cause?

The Telegraph:

Vandals in France torched 945 parked cars on New Year’s Eve in an arson rampage that has become a sinister annual “tradition” amid a row over whether the government sought to play down the figures.

According to the French interior ministry, the total of 945, which included cars that were either “totally destroyed” or “more lightly affected”, amounted to a 17 per cent rise compared to last year.

Despite this, New Year’s Eve “went off without any major incident”, the interior ministry insisted in a statement, adding that there were only “a few troubles with public order”.

In fact, police arrested 454 people over the night, 301 of whom were taken into custody.

On Sunday, the ministry had chosen to release a much lower figure of 650 cars torched, as this only indicated the number of vehicles “set on fire” and not those engulfed in the ensuing flames.

The lower figure enabled it to claim: “Once again this year, the overall number of vehicles burned demonstrates that, however intolerable, the phenomenon is contained”. By this calculation, the rise, it said, was only 48 cars.

The far-Right Front National, however, denounced what it called the government’s “extremely hazy security record”.

“The new interior minister Bruno Le Roux…(initially) didn’t communicate the number of vehicles burned and considers that the number of cars directly set on fire to be ‘contained’ while even this constitutes a significant rise of 8 per cent,” the FN said in a statement.

Le Monde, the national daily newspaper, also accused the ministry of muddying the waters.

The government responded that the figures released were the “most pertinent and the most coherent”.

“There is absolutely no attempt at hiding anything,” said Pierre-Henry Brandet, an interior ministry spokesman.

“You have to look at the trend over several years, and what is significant is that there has been a significant drop over five years,” he said.

Mr Brandet conceded, however, that the figure was still too high, adding: “These incidents are not tolerable and the perpetrators must be found and answer for their acts before justice.”

Over the New Year, a firefighter in the eastern department of Ain was hurt while trying to extinguish one car.

Last year they celebrated the number going down to 940 from 1,067 in 2014. So this year, it’s just remained stable. Up by five, technically.

Here. This is fun.

Back in January of 2013, TIME did an article on this tradition, and framed it in terms of some sort of communist revolt of the oppressed proletarian class.


Burn out the old year; torch in the new. France celebrated the onset of 2013 in its uniquely pyromaniac fashion, with officials reporting that 1,193 cars were torched overnight from Dec. 31 to Jan. 1 — 209 of them in the Paris area alone. Those figures marked a 4% increase over the 1,147 autos set ablaze on the same night in 2009 — the last year for which French officials released figures on the nation’s peculiar New Year rite.

More amazing, still, is the fact that the New Year’s Eve auto roast is only part of the story. In announcing the New Year’s Eve tally on Jan. 2, Interior Minister Manuel Valls also revealed that figures provided by fire, police and insurance officials indicate that somewhere between 42,000 and 60,000 automobiles are intentionally torched in France every year. The majority of those go up in smoke in or near the disadvantaged suburban housing projects located outside most French cities. Indeed, the rest of the world first took notice of France’s distinctive car-burning penchant during the three weeks of nationwide rioting in French housing projects in 2005, when 8,810 automobiles were incinerated by enraged youths. Yet, despite that riot-driven surge of car arson, year-end figures of around 43,000 for 2005 came in at around normal levels. Normal, that is, for flame-happy France.

TIME did not mention race, country of origin or ethnicity in this article.

But hey – if the 2009 numbers were 1,147 and in 2016 they’re 945… I don’t know that you can really call that “progress.” Both numbers would be “right around a thousand” it seems to me. What is that like a 17% decrease? In 7 years of looking at this as a serious problem? I’m gonna go ahead and wager that the police presence trying to prevent it has been increased by several hundred percent so… I don’t think hatred for whites is really going down, based on this indicator.