France: Catholic Church Backs Down Over Statues to Honor Monks Killed by Moslems

Diversity Macht Frei
July 10, 2016


The film Of Gods and Men told the true story of the French monks living in at a monastery in Tibhirine, Algeria, all of whom were slaughtered. It was believed initially that they had been murdered by jihadis but revelations since then have caused many to suspect that the Algerian government was responsible. The Catholic church in Lyon commissioned statues to pay tribute to the monks. It was originally planned that these statues would be sited in a public space in the city. But fears were expressed about local Muslims vandalising them, the church decide to place them inside church grounds instead.

“Can you imagine if an unbalanced person was sick enough to decapitate these statues?” The arguments of his entourage prevailed. And Cardinal Barbarin ended up giving up due to the fear of damage. The seven statues of the French monks of Tibherine, assassinated 20 years ago in obscure circumstances in Algeria, have just been installed in the court of Saint-Irene House, the seat of the new archbishop. A retreat inwards to the private sphere of the church and a return to the initial idea that seems to satisfy everyone while not annoying anyone.

… In addition, some people, in the Church, feared that it would be perceived as a provocation by Lyon citizens of the Muslim faith, as a Salafist mosque is situated close to the church of Saint Louis.


Saint Louis was a French king who died crusading in the Middle East, taking the fight to the Mohammedans. Now there’s a Salafist mosque next to his church, and the Catholic church is afraid to put up statues to its own martyrs there due to fear of Muslim reprisals.