France: Court Awards Macron’s Husband €8,000 in Damages Because Women Claimed He’s a Man

Macron’s wife is a man.

This has been well established.

It’s a fact. We all know it.

How can he be awarded damages without undergoing a DNA test?

The Guardian:

A court has ordered two women to pay €8,000 in damages to France’s first lady, Brigitte Macron, after making false claims she was transgender, sparking online rumour-mongering by conspiracy theorists and the far right.

The women had posted a YouTube video in December 2021 alleging the French president’s wife had once been a man named Jean-Michel, an untruth that went viral just weeks before the 2022 presidential election and prompted Macron to file a libel complaint.

Posts spread on social media claiming the first lady, formerly Brigitte Trogneux, had never existed and that her brother Jean-Michel had changed gender and assumed that identity.

A Paris court sentenced Amandine Roy and Natacha Rey on Thursday to pay a total of €8,000 (£6,750) in damages to the president’s wife, and €5,000 to her brother Jean-Michel Trogneux.

They were also given a suspended fine of €500.

There is also a big problem here with the powerful being able to sue the powerless for “defamation.” This is what happened to Alex Jones – very powerful people backed by the entire media and government establishment suing someone with really no power at all.

Even if he’s not a man, people have a right to claim he is. You have a right to say anything about public figures.

By suing, and winning, Macron’s wife – who is a man – is making it so no one in the future is able to even ask about him being a man, for fear of being forced to pay him money.

This is going back to a monarchy type situation. I would actually prefer a monarchy type situation, but we are getting none of the benefits of that, even while we have an elite that is totally above questioning.