France Decides to Start Bombing Syria – No Explanation Why

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 7, 2015

"Eh bien , vous avez à bombarder quelqu'un parfois, je suppose , nous pourrions aussi bien bombarder ces enculés, je suppose."
“Eh bien, vous avez à bombarder quelqu’un parfois, je suppose, nous pourrions aussi bien bombarder ces enculés, je suppose.”

So, I guess France is going to start bombing Syria – because, hey – why the hell not?

Might as well. Gotta bomb someone, after all. I mean, we’ve got all these bombs – no point in letting them just sit around and go to waste.


President Francois Hollande has ordered preparations to begin for air strikes on Islamic State militants in Syria.

He said France would start reconnaissance flights on Tuesday with a view to launching attacks, but ruled out sending troops on the ground.

Russia has responded to growing concern that it is increasing its military support for President Bashar al-Assad.

Let’s just hope France doesn’t accidentally bomb Russian troops!

Man, that would be a mess!


Just do it already. Start the fire. I am sick of waiting.
Just do it already. Start the fire. I am sick of waiting.

Speaking at his bi-annual news conference in Paris, Mr Hollande said terror attacks had been planned from Syria against several countries, including France.

Yes, and I’m sure bombing the country is going to reduce terrorist attacks in France.

It’s a brilliant plan.

Was this plan masterminded by someone with an atomically-enhanced brain?
Was this plan masterminded by someone with an atomically-enhanced brain?
"Je ne l'utilise le scooter parce que je suis un pédé malade effiminate. Mes mains se fatiguent facilement , parce que mes doigts sont épuisés par l'embrayage."
“Je ne l’utilise le scooter parce que je suis un pédé malade effiminate. Mes mains se fatiguent facilement, parce que mes doigts sont épuisés par l’embrayage.”

Are you autistic, Hollande?

Or are you a weasel Jew-puppet?

“My responsibility is to ensure that we are informed as much as possible on the threats to our country,” he said.

Yeah, a bunch of gibbering monkeys in Syria are a serious threat to French national security. Because ISIS has intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Actually, no, they actually do not.

They have a bunch of jeeps.
They have a bunch of jeeps.

“Dudes in jeeps in Syria are a threat to France. They are planning things.”

Who can read a statement like that without laughing?

You know why they don’t laugh?

They go into total psychological shutdown mode because they’re incapable of processing it.


Meanwhile, in the actual country of France:


A few bad apples.

And anyway, that wasn’t about Islam or terrorism or anything like that – it was about free speech and they hate our freedoms.


All of this makes complete sense, we assure you. There are experts, and a guy with a mutant brain…

“So I have asked the defence minister that from tomorrow reconnaissance flights begin over Syria that will enable us to consider air strikes against Islamic State.”

He said it would be “pointless and unrealistic” for France to send ground troops into the country.

But he added his government would continue to work for a political transition that sidelined Syria’s president.

Yes, they are fighting both ISIS and Assad.

It makes perfect sense.

Why not inject yourself into the middle of a foreign war – and fight against both sides?

Crazy like a fox.
