France: Feminists Oppose Law on Street Harassment Becuz Racism

Diveristy Macht Frei
September 28, 2017


I wrote yesterday (link)  about how single women can scarcely walk the streets in Italy anymore because of the constant harassment they receive from melanin-rich individuals. Well, the same thing is happening all over western Europe. In France, the government is proposing to do something about it by creating a new offence of “street harassment”. You would think feminists would lining up to applaud, right? Wrong. Instead, prominent feminists have published an article (“Against the criminalisation of street harassment”) in the leftist newspaper Libération opposing the planned law. Why? Racism.

By inserting the category “street harassment” into the criminal domain, the street becomes precisely the renewed target of public policies. At the same time, it targets populations who occupy it, often belonging to pauperised and racialised minorities. Different terminology could emphasise that the control of women’s bodies does not apply only to the street, that it exists also in companies, universities or places of leisure, even in their home.

Thus, the problem of this category and other proposals for creating offences and crimes is indeed to circumscribe a specific category of acts considered unacceptable – street harassment – and a category of persons – racialised, working class men – who will be considered particularly problematical. Now, we know that young men from the racialised working class are already subject, more than others, to police checks and violence from the forces of order. We can therefore legitimately fear that this new offence will reinforce this state of affairs.




For more on the strange synergies between feminism and ethnic disintegration, see Passer-by’s article “The Problem with Feminism“.