France: Feminists Outraged at Report Saying Rapists are Likely to be Foreign

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2016


How dare White men condemn Moslems for raping women?


A study of hundreds of rapists in Paris shows the profile of an attacker is that of a jobless, foreign man who is 34 years old, but women’s rights groups have attacked the results.

According to the French National Supervisory Body on Crime and Punishment, there were 688 acts of rape recorded in Paris in the years 2013 and 2014. Analysis of the figures conducted by French newspaper Le Parisien has produced what it says are the typical characteristics of attackers, victims, and the likely areas where attacks will occur.

The attackers are 100 per cent likely to be a males who are on average 34 years old. 52 per cent of them are foreign and 48 per cent are likely to be known to police. More than 50 per cent of attackers will be unemployed.

And the other 48% aren’t “French,” but Moslems born in France.

The feminist group Osez le Féminisme, has attacked the statistical analysis is a statement given to The Local. It points out that with only 10 per cent of rapes being reported in France, statistics based on reported crime are unreliable, saying:

“Victims of rape are often reluctant to complain, and rapists go unpunished. There’s the fear of not being believed, the poor reception at the police station where officers are badly trained (or aren’t at all), the lengthy and tiresome legal proceedings, and lenient sentences for aggressors.”

While it is true to say that a large number of sexual assaults do go unreported for a wide range of reasons, the analysis conducted by Le Parisien is not without value.

Funny, this.

Almost as if “feminism” has nothing at all to do with protecting women, and is merely about attacking White men.
