Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 18, 2015

For decades since the end of World War Two, the Jews have told the French people that if they had more Moslems inside of their base their country would be better somehow in unspecified ways. As it turns out, all the Moslems do is live on welfare, rob and rape and release horrible French rap videos, and the entire thing was pushed on France by the Jews as part of a gigantic hoax.
Now that these Moslems are kicking things up a notch and beginning to slaughter the French people, the Jews who created this mess are claiming to be the victims of it and fleeing the scene of the crime and leaving the French to get forcibly converted to this barbaric desert cult as they are ruled over by hook-nosed Arabs.
The French, of course, have no place to flee to because there is no country in the world that is specifically a base for Whites to escape to when people start slaughtering them. That would be racist.
Look at this clip from the pro-terrorism Jew network PJTV:
Blaming the victim is taken to a whole new level by the Jews. They are literally saying that this immigration plan, which was sold to Europe by the Jews as a way to relieve guilt for various sins the Jews alleged they had committed, is part of a pro-Hitler anti-Jew conspiracy! That we brought these Arabs into Europe as a part of a Plan against Jews!
Nevermind that the entire culture of Europe has been genocided and that Europeans presently have no future in Europe – it is all about the Jews, and White Christians attempting to hurt the Jews.