France: Haji Gets Suspended Sentence for Threatening to Do an Akbar on Soldiers

My initial reaction was that a suspended sentence seemed too lenient for an obvious future terrorist.

But after reading what he said to the black soldier, all is forgiven.


An Islamist in Saint-Quentin, France has been given a ten-month suspended sentence after threatening to slit the throats of soldiers outside of a Christmas market.

The incident occurred on December 21st and saw the 20-year-old approach three soldiers standing guard outside the local Christmas market. He initially told them to clear out of the way for him and then the situation began to escalate, L’Union reports.

The man is then said to have started insulting the soldiers saying, “I’m going to slit you and fuck you. Allah hu akbar.”

Following repeated utterings of Allah hu akbar, the soldiers detained the man who claimed in court, “They had nothing else to do so they vented on me.”

After being taken to a local police station, he is said to have started referring to two of the soldiers as “disbelievers” while singling out the third soldier from Madagascar saying, “Negro, you are only a slave of France.”

The prosecutor in the case requested at least eight months in prison for the offence stating, “the combination of slaughtering threats, the miscreant term, and the phrase Allah hu akbar is an apology for acts of terrorism.”