France: Haji Murders His Sister’s French BF for Being an Unclean Infidel

Samir Kouider.

And this, folks, is one of the many reasons why you shouldn’t get involved with a kebabess.


Samir Kouider has been sentenced to 30 years in jail for the murder of his sister’s French, non-Muslim boyfriend.

The assize court in Gard rejected Mr Kouider’s appeal after forensic evidence contradicted the 29-year-old’s claim that his killing of Kevin Roudesly, 21, had been an accident.

Having delivered “several different versions” of the story since his arrest on New Year’s Eve, 2013, Kouider this weekend told the court he had shown up outside Roudesly’s residence in Avignon on December 28 only with the intention of locating his younger sister Imène, after she ran away from her aunt’s house two days earlier.

Mr Kouider claimed that he had not known Imène was at Kevin’s house, nor that the pair had just agreed to renew their romantic relationship, when he agreed to meet her outside the property in Avignon’s Champfleury district.

“[Kevin] kindly greeted me,” he said, before telling the court that he and his victim got into a fight over a mobile phone, during which he had “unintentionally” stabbed Kevin in the leg.