France: Haji Teens Start Riot at the Nude Beach

Daily Stormer
September 2, 2016

It’s a part of their culture.

Daily Mail:

A group of male teens who preferred to stare rather than strip at a French nudist beach sparked a huge brawl, it has been reported.

About 10 youths are said to have entered the nude zone clothed at the beach at La Teste-de-Buch, in Arcachon, near Bordeaux.

But the scene soon turned ugly when the teens reportedly began staring and behaving ‘provocatively’ around some of the naked women.

The men had been ‘staring’ at the women in breach of French nude beach etiquette, The Local reported.

Other bathers confronted the teens, telling them to either ‘get nude or get lost’, the website reported.

The brawl is then said to have begun.

And it was quite a sight – with naked and clothed people flinging sand in each other’s eyes, screaming abuse and hurling punches.

A unit of the riot control CRS police attended the scene, the website said.